Two states with corresponding energy levels according to its interaction with an external magnetic field; alpha state (aligned with external, low energy) and beta state (against the direction of external, high energy); strength of magnetic field and characteristics of nuclei influence spin and behavior; the presence of electrons affect the resonance frequency (lower energy is required)
Resonance (energy difference of two spin states matches energy of external magnetic field), uses RF pulses to excite the nuclear spins from equilibrium to higher energy state; relaxation (return to their equilibrium state), free induction decay FID emitted during the relaxation
Electron distribution (electrons around nuclei generate their own magnetic field); deshielded (electrons are removed from near the nucleus, higher ppm count); factors (electronegativity, proximity to functional groups, hybridization, ring currents)
Molecular structure, dynamics; depends on the orientation of the nuclei with respect to an external magnetic field; used to determine the structure of a compound
Principle of magnetic resonance: the magnetic moments of the nuclei align with the field resulting in an excited state which returns to the base state by emitting the energy
Technique that enables the obtainment of high resolution images
Slits diffract light; smaller slits result in a higher diffraction resulting in a blurred image; large objects diffract light, small objects diffract even more
Long wavelength has more diffraction (low res), short wavelength has less diffraction (high res); diffraction limitation makes resolution of microscopic images difficult to resolve
The diffraction pattern of electrons are similar to photons (wave-matter duality); wavelength of electrons are shorter (h/mv), resulting in higher resolutions
Passes through the sample before being detected, provides information on the inner structure of the sample, sample is dehydrated; differing energies after passing through the specimen; not visible to the human eye; darker areas in the image are electron dense regions
Based on emission of secondary and back-scattered electrons and provides information on sample surface; specimens are coated in vapor gold or palladium to allow them to emit electrons; detects backscattered electrons from deeper regions of the sample; secondary electrons show the topography of the surface; study topography of cells
Electrons can exhibit BOTH wave and particle properties; the wavelength of a particle is equal to the ratio of Planck's constant to the momentum of the particle; Broglie-Bohr model shows electrons; Davisson – Germer experiment shows scattering of electrons exhibiting an interference pattern
Ability to show detail in the object being imaged; smallest distance where two neighboring points can be distinguished; intensity pattern depends on diffraction pattern; resolving pattern to separate two points that are near each other; Rayleigh limit is the smallest possible angle between two points to resolve an image; low resolution value of Rayleigh limit shows higher resolution; shorter wavelength of electrons result in higher resolution; higher velocity of the electron also improves resolution by shortening the wavelength
A quantum phenomenon occurring when particles move through a barrier that is classically impossible; electron passes through an energy barrier instead of jumping over it; a tungsten tip is subjected to a negative potential
The way electrons interact with materials when viewed as particles; scattering is the deflection of electrons; backscattered (elastic), secondary (inelastic, knocked off from the surface); some electrons may produce x-rays or electron-hole pairs or may be absorbed by the sample
Electron microscopes uses EM lenses to focus beam, light microscope uses glass lenses; electron has 1500 times while optical max of 200,00 times; electron resolution is in nanometer, optical is in micro
Smallest distance at which two neighboring points can be distinguished (light 540 nm, electrons 2.5 pm); signal detection - EM images are monochromatic and essentially intensity maps (false color is added after)
Scattering pattern is used to construct the image; energy dispersive spectroscopy - the x-rays produced by electrons are used to obtain information regarding elements and relative abundance
Dark areas indicate absorption of electrons (sparse regions), light areas indicate transmission of electrons (dense regions), dehydrated specimen is embedded in a resin and cut into thin slices, electrons passing through sparse regions will have more energy (less back scattering)