Phases of Group Membership
1. Investigation phase - Group seeks people who seem likely to be able to attain group goals, and prospective members look for groups that provide the opportunity to satisfy personal goals
2. Socialization phase - Group tries to shape the individual's thinking and behavior so that he or she can and will make the maximum contribution to the group; Formal and informal indoctrination; through 'coaches'
3. Maintenance Phase - Group attempts to define specialized roles for each full member that maximizes his or her contribution to the group's goals; Individual member often tries to define his or her role in the group to maximize personal needs
4. Resocialization phase - When a member is relabeled as marginal, he enters resocialization where both parties try to convince each other again to meet their role expectations; If a mutually agreeable negotiation is struck, marginal member will once again be regarded as full member
5. Remembrance phase - Group develops a consensus concerning the ex-member's contributions to the group's goals and similarly, the individual ex- member reminisces about the costs and benefits of being a member of the group