
Cards (14)

  • Controlled observations
    > The conditions are manipulated by the researcher
    > This type of observation can be carried out in a lab situation ed. Ainsworth
  • Controlled observation strength
    > High in reliability as the environment is controlled and standardised so the observation can be easily repeated to check for consistent results
    > Therefore the controlled observation will gain more respect from other professionals and members of the public
  • Controlled observation weakness
    > Low in ecological validity
    > Takes place in a controlled setting which doesnt reflect real life
    > Therefore more difficult to generalise the results beyond the setting of the observation which lowers the external validity
  • Naturalistic observation
    > Watching natural behaviour in a natural environment for the participant where the target behaviour would normally occur
    > No manipulation of variables
  • Naturalistic observation strength
    > Less prone to demand characteristics as people are less likely to know they are being watched
    > Therefore they are unlikely to change their natural behaviour and are less likely to help or hinder the research
    > Increasing the internal validity of the observation
  • Naturalistic observation strength
    > High ecological validity as the observation takes place in a natural setting
    > therefore it is easier to generalise the results beyond the setting of the observation
    > Increasing the internal validity
  • Naturalistic observation weakness
    > Low in reliability as they are being observed in a natural environment
    > Difficult to replicate the observation in the exact same conditions to achieve consistent results
  • Naturalistic observation weakness
    > Create an ethical issue of lack of informed consent
    > As participants may be unaware they are being observed and therefore haven't given their consent to take part
    > If they become aware they may wish to withdraw their data from the study
  • Overt observation
    > Participants are aware their behaviour is being observed, so will be aware of the purpose of the research.
    > Observer is clearly visible to participant
  • Overt observation strength
    > More ethically appropriate than a covert observation as participants know they are being observed
    > so the ppts can give consent for their data to be used
  • Overt observation weakness
    > More prone to demand characteristics as ppts are more likely to know they are being watched
    > therefore ppts are likely to change their natural behaviour and may help or hinder the research based on clues given off by the observer or environment
    > Lowering the internal validity
  • Covert observation
    > These are observations that are conducted without the knowledge or awareness of the participants
    > This can be done through an observer being hidden, use of secret cameras or from behind a two-way mirror
    > The observer may become part of a group to observe behaviour, but hide the fact they are doing research
  • Covert observation strength
    > Less prone to demand characteristics as participants are less likely to know they are being observed
    > Therefore are unlikely to change their natural behaviour and are less likely to help or hinder the research
    > Increasing the internal validity
  • Covert observation weakness
    > Participants are unaware they are being studied raising ethical issues such as lack of informed consent and invasion of privacy that would need to be resolved
    > When ppts are informed they may become upset and choose to withdraw their data.