strange situation aimed to observe key attachment behaviour as way of assessing quality of child's attachment
in strange siyuation there were 100 children + caregivers were observed in controlled lab setting via 2 way mirror
steps of the strange situation
mother and child enter room (child encouraged to explore)
stranger enters room (talks to mother + tries to interact with child)
mother leaves room (stranger may try to comfort child is showing distress)
mother returns and stranger leaves (mother may comfort child)
mother leaves room again (childs alone)
stranger returns (may try to comfort child)
mother returns (reunited with child)
procedure of ainsworths strange situation
lasts 21 minutes (3 min for each step)
during each step - researchers observed childs responses to each step - willingness to explore,stranger anxiety, seperation anxiety, response to reunion
all factors were operationalised - allowed reuslts to be measured empirically
findings of ainsworths strange situation
found distinctive patterns in way infants behaved
secure attachment (type b) - 70%
insecure avoidant attachment (type a) - 15%
insecure resistant attachment (type c) - 15%
secure attachment - type b
happily explore
regularly comes back to caregiver
moderate stanger anxiety
accepts comfort at reunion
insecure avoidant attachment - type a
explores freely
doesnt seek proximity
shows little/no response when caregiver leaves
seeks greater proximity than others
insecure resistant attachment - type c
seeks greater proximity than others
explores less
shows huge stranger/seperation distress
resists comfort when reunited
evaluation points for ainsworths strange situation
high reliability
validity questioned
fourth type of attachment
high reliability as eval point for ainsworths strange situation
study has high inter rater reliability
inter rater reliability is important in observation studies as researchers need to agree on how they will classify behaviours which are observed - operationalising to make all researchers know what behaviours should be recorded
found aintsworths study has inter rater reliability rate of 94% - study can be trusted
strengthens study as findings are consistent regarding behaviour being observed - confident attachment type of infant is identified
validity questioned as eval point for ainsworths strange situation
study onlly tested on babies with mothers - questioning whther study is measuring attachment type of quality of relationships with mothers
researchers found children behaved differently depending on parent with - suggests classification of attachment type may not be valid because its measurement of relationship rather than personal characteristic (attachment)
validity of study is controversial due to uncertaintyy that actual attachment of individual is not being measured - limits application
fourth type of attachment as eval point for aisnworths strange situation
main and soloman analysed over 200 strange situation videotapes and proposed 4th type of attachment - insecure disorganised (type d)
infants dont appear to have consistent type of attachment where they seem to lack coherent strategy for dealing with stress of separation
ainsworths study can be seen as limited as it doesnt fully account for all different attachment types