Phobia treatment

Cards (7)

  • What are the 2 counterconditioning techniques:
    • Averse conditioning
    • Exposure therapy (systematic desensitisation/flooding)
  • Aversive conditioning
    • uses an unpleasant stimulus to stop an undesirable behaviour.
    • Therapists apply this technique to eliminate addictive behaviours, such as smoking, nail biting, and drinking.
  • SD treatment support - most acceptible
    • low refusal and attrition rates = economic implications
    • increases the likelihood that the patient will agree to start and continue with the therapy
  • Gilroy et al. - Spider systematic dessensitisation (SD)
    • followed up 42 patients treated in 3 sessions of SD for a spider phobia.
    • control group of 50 patients who learnt only relaxation techniques.
    • measured phobias with Spider Questionnaire and observation.
    At both 3 and 33 months, the SD group showed a reduction in their symptoms as compared to the control group
  • Systematic desensidesensitizationisation (SD) + learning difficulties
    • Anxiety disorders are often accompanied with learning disabilities
    • such patients may not be able to fully engage with CBT or can evaluate their own thoughts.
    SD would be a good alternative
  • Flooding + complex phobias
    Social phobias involve both anxiety and a cognitive aspect i.e. thinking unpleasant thoughts about a situation.
    CBT may be more appropriate - can target causes of the phobia, as opposed to proximal (indirect) causes.
  • Ougrin - Cost-effective - flooding
    • compared flooding to cognitive therapies and found it to be cheaper.
    • phobia will typically be cured in one session, thus freeing them of their symptoms and allowing them to continue living a normal life.