Cards (9)

  • Lease of a residential unit

    Monthly rental not exceeding 15,000, regardless of the amount of aggregate rentals received by the lessor during the year
  • Residential units

    Apartments and houses & lots used for residential purposes, and buildings or parts or units thereof used solely as dwelling places (e.g., dormitories, rooms, and bed spaces)
  • Unit
    Apartment unit in the case of apartments, house in the case of residential houses; per person in the case of dormitories, boarding houses and bed spaces; and per room in case of rooms for rent
  • If monthly rental of the residential units exceeds 15,000
    They are placed in the same category with commercial or industrial rental properties
  • If the aggregate gross receipts during the taxable year from such category exceed 3,000,000
    The receipts shall be subject to VAT
  • If the aggregate gross receipts during the taxable year from such category do not exceed ₱3,000,000
    They will be subject to the 3% OPT
  • Sale, importation, printing, or publication of books and any newspaper, magazine, journal, review bulletin, or any such educational reading material covered by the UNESCO Agreement on the Importation of Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Materials

    Including the digital or electronic format thereof, provided the materials enumerated herein are not devoted principally to the publication of paid advertisements
  • Transport of cargo by international carriers
    Also exempt from VAT because they are subject to the OPT under Section 118 of the Tax Code
  • motels, motel rooms, hotels, hotel rooms, lodging houses, inns, and pension houses (VATABLE)