
Cards (22)

  • Democratic practices
    Interpretation of the things that happen every day in communities, where citizens have prior concern to make these routine or event become open
  • Undemocratic practices
    Complex decisions and processes that are being held and manipulated by one individual or few members of the society rather than by many
  • Citizens are participative for the betterment of the regime
  • Majority of people is eliminated from gaining of power
  • Both minority and majority group are treated equally
  • Only democracy is not the kind of government that enables people to practice their rights and contribute to the society
  • There is a failure of community, government agencies, the family, and the absence of census on merging honest principles and the loss of voluntary associations in the world today
  • Democratic participation
    The empowerment of people to effectively involve themselves in creating structures, designing policies and programs that serve the interests of all
  • A significant element of a good society is the demand for participation in the governance
  • Democratic participation is built on the popular support and full participation of people
  • The Ill Effects of Undemocratic Practices

    • Poverty
    • Gender Biases
    • Political Marginalization
    • Racial Inequality
    • Cultural Domination
    • Crisis of representation
    • Politics of recognition
  • Poverty
    The state of being insufficient in needs and shows inferiority in many manners
  • Gender Biases
    An unfair or unequal treatment of one gender to other. It's shows prejudice or preference towards a person identity
  • Political Marginalization
    A social exclusion or disadvantage to the growth and development of the society
  • Racial Inequality
    A practice and belief that groups of people are identified as one is superior and possess high standard of physical trait and appearance
  • Cultural Domination
    Culture dominating other culture by overtaking its economy, policy, and behavioral aspects
  • Crisis of representation
    The co-occurrence of the financial crisis and the exposure of a political class riddled with corruption reveals starkly the state we're in
  • Politics of recognition
    Define our identity always in dialogue with, sometimes in struggle against, the things our significant others want to see in us
  • In order to overcome undemocratic practice, we should avoid discrimination and stereotyping
  • A democratic country is a country which leaders are chosen by a certain person
  • There is a need to know the ill effects of undemocratic practices
  • Knowing the ill effects of undemocratic practices affects aspiring leaders someday