
Cards (19)

  • Connection
    The act of connecting or the state of being connected
  • Networks
    Two or more devices connected through links
  • Relationship
    The state of being related or interrelated
  • As social beings, it is natural for us to crave connections
  • Every individual is connected to each other. Each one is like a unique thread in a tapestry, with unique capacity to contribute to the whole
  • Having close, positive connections and relationship can give us purpose and sense of belongingness
  • Extensive evidence shows having good quality of connections and relationships can help us to live longer and happier
  • Peter Block: 'We must establish a personal connection with each other before content. Without relatedness, no work can occur'
  • Ken Blanchard and Scott Blanchard: 'Connect the dots between individual roles and the goal of the organization. When people see that connection, they get a lot of energy to work. They feel the importance, dignity and meaning in their job'
  • Cuded.com: 'A great relationship is about two things, first, find out the similarities, second, respect the differences'
  • Link
    A communication's pathway that transfers data from one device to another
  • Nodes
    Persons, institutions, bodies, concepts that are connected in a network
  • Connection is the point of contact in a relationship
    Relationship is about being and the experience of connecting with someone over an extended period of time
  • The human brain can also be described as a biological neural network
  • Dendrites
    Act as a neuron that receives signals (information) from other neurons and bring information to the cell body
  • Axons
    Take information away from the cell body
  • Computer scientists have been inspired by the human brain to develop the first conceptual model of an artificial neural network
  • Neural networks
    Groups of neurons that work together to carry out a process
  • Artificial neural networks are created on computers to study the complex neural processing of the brain