AO1 - Selection and Appointment of Magistrates

Cards (8)

  • Stage 1 - Local Advisory Committees (LAC)
  • A person can apply directly for the position of magistrate or the can apply through adverts in the press - the application is made to the LAC (they try to ensure there is a cross section of society, they have worked hard to advertise for women and ethnic minorities)
  • An application form will be completed and it is likely that references are needed
  • Stage 2 - the interview
  • The first interview is where the panel tried to find out more about the candidate's personal attributes (six key qualities, this assesses attitudes and personality)
    • applicants are asked about their attitudes to various issues such as drink driving
  • The second interview is aimed at testing candidates' potential judicial aptitude, which is done by a discussion of at least 2 case studies - e.g. discussion on the sentencing of a specific case
  • Stage 3 - appointment
  • The LAC submit names of those they think are suitable to the Lord Chief Justice - the successful applicants are sworn in at the Crown Court and may sit until they are 70 years old