Cards (4)

  • Depression
    is a mood disorder. Persistent depressive disorder which is long term and major depressive disorder which is short term.
  • Cognitive characteristics 

    -Poor concentration: make easy decisions difficult.
    -Dwelling on the negative: ignore all the positives
    -Absolutist thinking: sufferers tend to see it as the worst thing that can happen.
  • Behavioural characteristics 

    -Activity levels: making them feel lethargic
    -Disruption to sleep and eating behaviours: increases/decrease sleeping and eating patterns.
    -Aggression: verbally and physically to others.
  • Emotional characteristics 

    -Lowered mood: sadness, worthless, emptiness
    -Anger: may be directed at themselves or others.
    -Lowered self-esteem: how much we like ourselves. Suffers may report that they dislike themselves.