Cards (12)

  • Formed 1870, from three regions who spoke the same language, spearheaded by Prussia
  • The new Germany made rapid social, military, and economic progress. Much of the workforce was highly skilled, and the German people were generally well-educated and well-fed
  • workers had the security of government provided sick pay
  • industrial development at this time (18880 - 1910) fastest in the world
  • German companies dominated Europe
  • Kaiser Wilhelm II ruled Germany, with help of the Reichstag
  • Wilhelm was a dictator, because he didn't allow the Reichstag much/any power
  • their empire was small compared to France and Britain, but they had several areas in the far east and Africa. Kaiser really wanted 'a place in the sun'
  • German businessmen, factory owners, and landowners made very rich by the success of the German industry
  • however, wages and working conditions did not improve with industry and economy, which led workers to be unhappy
  • several new political parties were being formed as an alternative to the kaisers rule
  • stats 1914:
    • population - 65 million
    • army - 2,200,000
    • battleships - 85
    • submarines - 23
    • air force - 246 fighter planes, 11 airships
    • colonies - 10
    • pop. of colonies - 15 million
    • coal - 277 million tonnes
    • steel - 14 million tonnes