witnesses are encouraged to include every single detail of the event, even though it may seem irrelevant or the witness doesn't feel confident about it
seemingly trivial details may be important and may trigger other importantmemories
Reinstate the Context:
witness should return to the originalcrimescene 'in their mind' + imagine the environment (e.g. what the weather was like, what they could see) + their emotions (e.g. what they were feeling)
related to context-dependent forgetting
Reverse the Order:
events should be recalled in differentchronological order to originalsequence e.g. from the final point back to the beginning or from the middle to the beginning
this is done to preventpeoplereporting their expectations of how the event must have happened rather than the actualevents -> also prevents dishonesty (harder for people to produce untruthful account if they have to reverse it)
witnesses should recallincident from other peoples perspectives e.g. how it would have appeared to other witnesses or to perpetrator
this is done to disrupt the effect of expectations + schema on recall
the schema you have for a particular setting (e.g. going into a shop) generate expectations of what would have happened + it is the schema that is recalled rather than what actually happened
EnhancedCognitiveInterview (ECI):
Fisher et al. developed some additionalelements of the CI to focus on the socialdynamics of the interaction e.g. interviewer needs to know when to establish eye contact + when to relinquish it
ECI also includes ideas such as reducingeyewitnessanxiety, minimisingdistractions, getting the witness to speak slowly + asking open-ended questions