3 housing developments in the town centre to provide 200 houses or flats
29 new council-rented houses and a community centre
A new sports stadium for Slough Town Football Club at Arbour Park
Environmental - AirTEXT; text alerts for people with respiratory issues when air quality is bad
Education - The Curve; a new cultural learning centre; 14 secondary schools
Gender Equality Policy - From 10% to 1% gap in 2020; more women employed than men
Council Failure - Declared bankruptcy in 2021; selling £600 million in assets to reduce debt and increased tax by 10%
Community Groups - Aik Saath
"Together as one" in Hindi
Charity that works to promote and encourage conflict resolution and community cohesion
Established in mid-1990s
Tensions followed Amritsar temple Massacre in 1984
Work with primary and secondary schools
Local economy
TNCs establish offices in Slough due to proximity to London
'Slough Aspire' is a partnership between companies in Slough and local council - develops employability skills among local population
400 TNCs in Slough
Environmental stakeholders
Slough Borough Council is also responsible for community health, through improving the local environment, transport and safety. However, air quality is hard to manage so close to the M4 and Heathrow.