
Cards (90)

  • Microscopy
    The use of microscopes to analyse cell components and observe organelles
  • Magnification
    How many times bigger the image produced by the microscope is than the real-life object you are viewing
  • Resolution
    The ability to distinguish between objects that are close together (i.e. the ability to see two structures that are very close together as two separate structures)
  • Types of microscopes

    • Optical (light) microscopes
    • Electron microscopes
    • Laser scanning confocal microscopes
  • Optical (light) microscopes

    • Use light to form an image
    • Have a maximum resolution of around 0.2 micrometres (µm) or 200 nm
    • Can be used to observe eukaryotic cells, their nuclei and possibly mitochondria and chloroplasts
    • Cannot be used to observe smaller organelles such as ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum or lysosomes
    • Have a maximum useful magnification of about ×1500
  • Electron microscopes

    • Use electrons to form an image
    • Have a maximum resolution of around 0.0002 µm or 0.2 nm (i.e. around 1000 times greater than that of optical microscopes)
    • Can be used to observe small organelles such as ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum or lysosomes
    • Have a maximum useful magnification of about ×1,500,000
  • Types of electron microscopes

    • Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs)
    • Scanning electron microscopes (SEMs)
  • Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs)

    • Use electromagnets to focus a beam of electrons
    • The beam of electrons is transmitted through the specimen
    • Denser parts of the specimen absorb more electrons, making these denser parts appear darker on the final image produced
    • Give high-resolution images (more detail)
    • Can only be used with very thin specimens or thin sections of the object being observed
    • Cannot be used to observe live specimens
    • Do not produce a colour image
  • Scanning electron microscopes (SEMs)

    • Scan a beam of electrons across the specimen
    • The beam bounces off the surface of the specimen and the electrons are detected, forming an image
    • Can be used on thick or 3-D specimens
    • Allow the external, 3-D structure of specimens to be observed
    • Give lower resolution images (less detail) than TEMs
    • Cannot be used to observe live specimens
    • Do not produce a colour image
  • Laser scanning confocal microscopes

    • The cells being viewed must be stained with fluorescent dyes
    • A thick section of tissue or small living organisms are scanned with a laser beam
    • The laser beam is reflected by the fluorescent dyes
    • Multiple depths of the tissue section/organisms are scanned to produce an image
    • Can be used on thick or 3-D specimens
    • Allow the external, 3-D structure of specimens to be observed
    • Produce very clear images due to the laser beam being focused at a very specific depth
    • It is a slow process and takes a long time to obtain an image
    • The laser has the potential to cause photodamage to the cells
  • Optical microscopes have a maximum resolution of around 0.2 micrometres (µm) or 200 nm
  • Electron microscopes have a maximum resolution of around 0.0002 µm or 0.2 nm
  • The maximum useful magnification of optical microscopes is about ×1500
  • The maximum useful magnification of electron microscopes is about ×1,500,000
  • Preparing a slide using a liquid specimen

    1. Add a few drops of the sample to the slide using a pipette
    2. Cover the liquid/smear with a coverslip and gently press down to remove air bubbles
    3. Wear gloves to ensure there is no cross-contamination of foreign cells
  • Preparing a microscope slide using a solid specimen

    1. Take care when using sharp objects and wear gloves to prevent the stain from dying your skin
    2. Use scissors to cut a small sample of the tissue
    3. Peel away or cut a very thin layer of cells from the tissue sample to be placed on the slide (using a scalpel or forceps)
    4. Apply a stain
    5. Gently place a coverslip on top and press down to remove any air bubbles
  • Preparing a microscope slide using a solid specimen (alternative method)

    1. Treat the tissue sample with chemicals to kill/make the tissue rigid
    2. Fix the specimen using formaldehyde (preservative)
    3. Dehydrate it using a series of ethanol solutions
    4. Impregnate it in paraffin/resin for support
    5. Cut thin slices from the specimen using a microtome
    6. Remove the paraffin from the slices/specimen
    7. Apply a stain
    8. Mount the specimen using a resin and apply a coverslip
  • Preparing a microscope slide using a solid specimen (alternative method)

    1. Freeze the specimen in carbon dioxide or liquid nitrogen
    2. Cut the specimen into thin slices using a cryostat
    3. Place the specimen on the slide and add a stain
    4. Gently place a coverslip on top and press down to remove any air bubbles
  • When using an optical microscope always start with the low power objective lens
  • Adding a drop of water to the specimen (beneath the coverslip) can prevent the cells from being damaged by dehydration
  • Using a graticule to take measurements of cells

    1. Place a graticule (a small disc with an engraved ruler) into the eyepiece of the microscope
    2. Calibrate the graticule by using a stage micrometer (a scale engraved on a microscope slide)
    3. This allows the number of micrometers each graticule unit is worth to be worked out
    4. The graticule can then be used as a ruler in the field of view
  • The size of cells or structures of tissues may appear inconsistent in different specimen slides
  • Cell structures are 3D and the different tissue samples will have been cut at different planes resulting in inconsistencies when viewed on a 2D slide
  • Optical microscopes do not have the same magnification power as other types of microscopes and so there are some structures that cannot be seen
  • The treatment of specimens when preparing slides could alter the structure of cells
  • Staining in light microscopy

    • Coloured dyes are used to make naturally transparent tissues visible
    • The dyes absorb specific colours of light while reflecting others, making the structures within the specimen that have absorbed the dye visible
  • Common stains used in light microscopy

    • Toluidine blue
    • Phloroglucinol
  • Staining for electron microscopy

    • Heavy-metal compounds are commonly used as dyes because they absorb electrons well
    • Any colour present in electron micrographs is not natural and is added using image-processing software
  • Chloroplasts don't need stains as they show up green, which is their natural colour
  • The internal structure of the mitochondrion can be seen using a TEM and staining
  • No colours have been added to the image of the spiracle found on the exoskeleton of an insect using image-processing software
  • Biological drawings
    Line pictures which show specific features that have been observed when the specimen was viewed
  • Mitochondrion
    The site of aerobic respiration within all eukaryotic cells
  • Mitochondrion
    • Surrounded by double-membrane with the inner membrane folded to form cristae
    • The matrix formed by the cristae contains enzymes needed for aerobic respiration, producing ATP
    • Small circular pieces of DNA (mitochondrial DNA) and ribosomes are also found in the matrix (needed for replication)
  • Chloroplast
    Found in the green parts of a plant, the green colour a result of the photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll
  • Chloroplast
    • Larger than mitochondria, also surrounded by a double-membrane
    • Membrane-bound compartments called thylakoids containing chlorophyll stack to form structures called grana
    • Grana are joined together by lamellae (thin and flat thylakoid membranes)
    • The light-dependent stage of photosynthesis takes place in the thylakoids
    • The light-independent stage (Calvin Cycle) takes place in the stroma
    • Also contain small circular pieces of DNA and ribosomes used to synthesise proteins needed in chloroplast replication and photosynthesis
  • Ribosome
    Formed in the nucleolus and are composed of almost equal amounts of RNA and protein
  • Ribosome
    • Found freely in the cytoplasm of all cells or as part of the rough endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotic cells
    • Each ribosome is a complex of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins
    • 80S ribosomes (composed of 60S and 40S subunits) are found in eukaryotic cells
    • 70S ribosomes (composed of 50S and 30S subunits) in prokaryotes, mitochondria and chloroplasts
    • Site of translation (protein synthesis)
  • Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)

    Surface covered in ribosomes, processes proteins made by the ribosomes
  • Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

    Involved in the production, processing and storage of lipids, carbohydrates and steroids