
Cards (20)

  • What is this explanation ?
    • people obey due to the situation
  • What are the two explanations ?
    1. Agency theory
    2. legitimacy of authority
  • What is agency theory ?

    people don’t take responsibility as they believe they are acting as an agent for an authoritative figure
  • What are the two states of agency theory ?
    1. agentic
    2. autonomous
  • What is agentic state ?
    • individual believes they do not have responsibility for their behaviour because they are acting as an agent to an authoritative figure
  • What does a genetic state allow ?
    • individuals to complete acts they morally disagree with
    • free us from demands
    • feel powerless to disobey
  • What is an autonomous state ?
    • when an individual is ok their own + feel in control of their actions + responsible
  • What is an agentinlc shift ?
    • shift from an autonomy to agency when in the presence of someone they perceive to be of a higher authority
  • What are binding factors ?
    • aspects of a situation that allow a person to ignore/minimalise the effect of their behaviour + reduce any moral strain
  • How did Mildred show binding factors ?
    • Think they helping the experiment - benefit society
    • remind them it’s authority in control
    • learner made the mistake so it’s their fault
  • Evaluation of agency theory ?
    1. Research support -miorgan
    2. research support- holfing et al
    3. doesn’t explain why not everyone obeyed
  • How did migrant support agency theory ?
    • act as an agent for experimenter
    • when experimwntor left + gave instructions over the phone
    • went to autonomous state but didn’t obey
  • What did holding et al do ?
    • nurse gave double dose even though not allowed as order from the doctor 21/22 did
  • What is legitimacy or authority ?

    more likely to obey people who have a higher authority over us
    • authority is justified by position of power in the social hierarchy
    • authority is legitimate as controlled by society
  • What happens in legitimacy of authority ?
    • hang over control of power to someone who had more authority over us + will exercise their authority properly
    • learn in childhood by parents then teachers
  • What makes someone legitimate ?
    • uniform
    • job title
    • experience
    • age
    • location
  • What is destructive authority ?

    hitler -
    • problems arise when legitimate authority becomes destructive
    • people legitimate power to be cruel
  • Evaluation of legitimacy of authority ?
    1. Milgram research support
    2. doesn’t explain why all didn’t obey
    3. challenge with dispositional
    4. practical application
  • How milgram support ?
    • experimenter used his power to make teacher give shock - destructive authority
    • uniform - regular xlothes
    • location - moved from Yale to offices
  • Practical apications ?

    school uniform
    police uniform