Hypoventilation -> respiratory acidosis, type 2respiratory failure -> patients with asthma go to intensive care, patients with COPD do not (they get non invasive ventilation instead)
Subjective History:
Allergy - allergy test e.g. skin prick test, do they have an EpiPen, family history of allergies
Smoking history - pack years
Breathlessness - worse in the morning
Cough - wet or dry, does it bring up sputum, how often
Exercise tolerance
On Examination:
Respiratory pattern
Respiratory rate
I:E ratio
Accessory muscle use
Pursed lip breathing
Shape of thorax
Cor pulmonale - abnormalhypertrophy of the right side of the heart
Auscultation - expiratory wheeze for asthma, crackle sounds on inspiration for COPD
Airflow obstruction due to asthma and COPD:
Airflow obstruction due to inflammation (asthma) or loss of radial traction (COPD)