surveillance theory (sociological)

Cards (7)

  • Foucault the panopticon:
    • KEY IDEA = todays society people engage in self surveillance. we are also under self surveillance. it has become an increasingly important form of crime control
    • THE PANOPTICON = prison designed so guards could see all prisoners but prisoners did not know if they were being watched or not
    • SELF SURVEILLANCE = prisoners had to assume they were being watched and behave properly just in case
    • DISCIPLINARY POWER = Foucault argues this design is now everywhere in society and disciplinary power and self surveillance now reaches every individual
  • Mathieson: Synoptic Surveillance
    • KEY IDEA THE SYNOPTICON = as well as surveillance from above we are now surveilled from below as everybody watches everybody
  • Actuarial Justice and profiling:
    • Actuarial = comes from insurance industry. an actuary is someone who calculates the risk of certain events happening.
    • FEELY AND SIMON = actuarial justice is a new form of surveillance. it aims to predict and prevent future offending. it uses statistical information to reduce crime by compiling profiles of likely offenders
  • strengths of surveillance theories:
    • researchers have identified other forms of surveillance such as actuarial justice and profiling
    • Foucault's work has led to more research into surveillance and disciplinary power. especially the idea of an electronic panopticon
  • limitations of surveillance theories:
    • surveillance may not change peoples behaviour as Foucault claims. For example, studies show CCTV may fail to prevent crime because offenders take no notice of it
    • Foucault exaggerates the extent of control. Goffman shows how some inmates of prisons and mental hospitals resist controls
  • key vocab:
    • synopticon = everybody watches everybody
    • panopticon = "ALL SEEING"
    • surveillance = close observation of suspected criminal
    • self surveillance = people have to regulate own behaviour because they know they could be being watched
  • general criticisms of sociological theories
    1. OVERPREDICTION = don't explain why not every disadvantaged person turns to crime
    2. UNDERLYING CAUSES = sociologists disagree with each other about causes of crime
    3. BIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS = neglect factors that might explain why one person might turn to crime but another person in same social position wont