Act 3 Scene 2

Cards (15)

  • ‘when the butt is out we will drink water’
  • ‘if th’other two be brained like us, the state totters’
  • ‘my man-monster’
  • ‘he’s no standard’
  • ‘you’ll lie like dogs’
  • ‘was there ever a man a coward that hath drunk so much sack as I'
  • ‘keep a good tongue in your head’
  • ‘[Enter Ariel invisible]’
  • ‘revenge it on him’
  • ‘[strikes Trinculo]’
  • ‘batter his skull’
  • ‘First to posses his books; for without them he’s but a sot, as I am'
  • ‘she will become thy bed’
  • ‘in dreaming, the clouds methought would open, and show riches’
  • ‘I shall have my music for nothing’