It is an analytical framework that can help a company meet its challenges and identify new markets.
useful in scanning the business environment which can help in identifying economic opportunities.
Porter's Five Forces Of Competitive Position Analysis
Supplier Power
Buyer Power
Competitive Rivalry
Threat of substitution
Threat of new entry
Supplier power - It is essential to evaluate how much power the supplier is capable to drive up prices.
Buyer power - An evaluation of how easy it is for buyers to direct prices down.
Competitive rivalry - Number and capability of competitors in the market will also impact on the attractiveness of the market.
Threat of substitution - Buyers will switch to alternatives in case of price increases.
Threat of new entry - Investors join the bandwagon when market is profitable and get a share of the profits.
Agriculture - has been defined as the science and art of producing livestock and cultivating plants
Agricultural Business - This business sector involves with farming and farming-related commercial activities like ranching, piggery and poultry.
Service - is any industry that produces value that is primarily intangible such as advice, consultation, customer service, knowledge, management, data and experiences.
is the processing of raw materials into finished goods through the use of equipment,tools and processes.
refers to any industry that produces products from raw materials by the use of human labor or machinery and that is normally carried out orderly with division of work.
International trade
is the exchange of services and goods from one country to another.
This type of trade gives opportunity to a world economy, in which prices, or demand and supply, affect and are affected by global events.
Import - is a good or service that is brought/received from the other countries.
are goods and services made in one country and sold to buyers in another.
are important to modern economies, because they provide opportunities to people and firms many channels of distribution for their goods.
an entity organized by people with similar interests and needs to provide themselves with services and goods or to jointly use available resources to uplift their financial status.