Cards (10)

  • Spiritual Self
    The subjective and most intimate dimension of the self, experienced and understood by the person themselves, difficult to explain to others
  • Soul
    The non-physical aspect of the person that manifests consciousness, thought, feeling, and will
  • Spirituality
    A way of seeking and expressing the meaning and purpose of one's life, embracing all faiths and ideologies, reflecting refinement and personal connection with the Divine or Sacred
  • Religion

    The belief in and worship of a personal God or gods, a set of beliefs, feelings, dogmas, and practices that define the relationship between human beings and the Sacred
  • Viktor Emil Frankl

    • Pioneer of Existentialism, stressed that meaning is something to discover rather than to invent
  • Existential Vacuum

    Explains how one may find that life is empty, meaningless, or aimless, leading to destructive attempts to fill it with pleasure
  • Ways of discovering meaning in life (Frankl)

    1. Experiential Values - experiencing something or someone we value
    2. Attitudinal Values - practicing virtues and values
    3. Creative Values - becoming involved in projects and creativity
  • Collective Unconscious (Jung)

    A structural layer of the human psyche containing inherited elements, the whole spiritual heritage of mankind's evolution
  • Archetypes (Jung)

    • Anima and Animus
    • Hero
    • Shadow
    • Persona
    • Wise Old Man/Woman
    • The Good Mother
  • Individuation (Jung)

    The process through which a person achieves a sense of individuality separate from the identities of others and begins to exist as a human in the world consciously, the synthesis of the self