Cards (5)

  • How is kidney function assessed?

    Assessment of urine: urine output & urinalysis
    Assessment of serum: Urea & electrolytes (Na, K, Cl, urea & creatinine)
    Glomerular Filtration Rate
  • What is the main difference between Acute kidney injury (AKI) & chronic kidney disease (CKD)?

    AKI - changes in serum creatinine over days
    CKD - changes in eGFR over months
  • What is GFR?
    The quantity of glomerular filtrate formed in all nephrons of both kidneys / min.
  • What is the relationship of plasma creatinine to true glomerular filtration rate?

    serum creatinine decreases with high GFR
  • What are the ways to determine GFR?

    Isotopic methods:
    • Cr-EDTA GFR
    • inulin excretion
    Creatinine clearance