at birth there is an increase in prA and prC receptors and a decrease in prB receptors
cortisol leads to lung maturation in the fetus -> synthesis of surfactants
dexamethasone given in pre-term labour to increase this
fetal glucocorticoids and CRH increase at term
CRH and increasing oestrogen:progesterone at birth leads to arachidonic acid release -> prostaglandins
cause cervical remodelling
keratin sulphate replaces dermatan sulphate, this doesn't bind to collagen causing softening
increased MMP production
oestrogens are the main stimulators of oxytocin synthesis
oxytocin is released in response to tactile stimulation of the cervix -> babies head pushing on cervix -> oxytocin -> more contractions -> more pressure -> more oxytocin
oestrogenincreases the size and number of ducts in the breast
progesteroneincreases the number of alveolar cells in the breast
prolactin levels increase with gestation and promote milk production
decrease shortly after birth so lose ability to breastfeed if you don't