08. Pregnancy and Lactation

Cards (23)

  • the embryo produces hcg at implantation - analogue of lh
  • hcg acts on lh receptors to maintain corpus luteum (progesterone) and stimulates DHEA production in the fetus
  • progesterone is initially produced by the corpus luteum but this is taken over by the syncytiotrophoblast at 6-8 weeks
  • progesterone maintains the decidua and decreases myometrial contractility
    • inhibits lactogenic effect - inhibits lactation during pregnancy
  • progesterone is conjugated to sulphate and so is inactive in the fetus
  • oestrogens increase throughout pregnancy and are produced cooperatively by placenta and fetus
  • oestriol production predominates during pregnancy
  • oestrogen stimulates release of prolactin
    • reduces peripheral glucose uptake to leave more available for the fetus
  • hpl is produced by the syncytiotrophoblast and rises as hcg falls
    • development of mammary glands
    • suppresses insulin - increases blood glucose levels for fetus
  • glucose is metabolised to lactate which is used as an energy source for the fetus
  • prolactin rises linearly during pregnancy
    • oestrogen stimulates release from lactotroph cells
  • parturition = birth
  • parturition:
    • increase in oestrogen and decrease in progesterone
    • oxytocin -> contractions
    • prostaglandins
    requires initiating signal, coordinated muscle contraction and cervical softening and dilation
  • progesterone suppresses myometrial contractions during pregnancy, but this decreases at birth
    • increasing oestrogen:progesterone -> oxytocin receptor levels increaSE
  • at birth there is an increase in prA and prC receptors and a decrease in prB receptors
  • cortisol leads to lung maturation in the fetus -> synthesis of surfactants
    • dexamethasone given in pre-term labour to increase this
  • fetal glucocorticoids and CRH increase at term
  • CRH and increasing oestrogen:progesterone at birth leads to arachidonic acid release -> prostaglandins
    • cause cervical remodelling
    • keratin sulphate replaces dermatan sulphate, this doesn't bind to collagen causing softening
    • increased MMP production
  • oestrogens are the main stimulators of oxytocin synthesis
    • oxytocin is released in response to tactile stimulation of the cervix -> babies head pushing on cervix -> oxytocin -> more contractions -> more pressure -> more oxytocin
  • oestrogen increases the size and number of ducts in the breast
  • progesterone increases the number of alveolar cells in the breast
  • prolactin levels increase with gestation and promote milk production
    • decrease shortly after birth so lose ability to breastfeed if you don't
  • suckling increases prolactin and oxytocin release