Why the origin of the universe is an important question
It's part of humannature to find the answers to things
The answer might help us answer the question: "Whatislifefor?"
People have always wondered whether there is something controllingtheuniverse (God?)
If there's a point to the universe then maybe how we live our lives mattersmore
If the universe or world is just an accident, then maybe there's no pointtolife
The story of creation is found in the Bible Genesis 1
The Genesiscreation story
God created the world in 6 days
Human beings were created last because they were special
Humans were created to look after God's creation
Some Christians believe the Bible is literally true
Many Christians
Believe the Bible is not a science book, it doesn't tell us how the world began but why it began and what this means for us all (the Genesis story is poetry or metaphor)
The story of the creation of the first man and woman (Adam and Eve) is found in the Bible Genesis
Adam and Eve
God formed a man from the mud of the earth and bathed into his nostrils the breath of life
God made Adam fall asleep and formed a woman from one of his ribs - Eve
Darwin's Theory of Evolution
Single celled organisms evolved into more complex ones
When 2 of a species mate their offspring is a unique mixture of their DNA
In the copying process random changes in the DNA take place some good for survival and some bad
Living things (including humans) have evolved from each other over millions of years
Humans were not created by God right at the beginning
Fossils show that simple life forms gradually changed and developed into more complex life forms
Similarities between religious and non-religious explanations
Both try to explain the origins of life
Both believe how the world was created is an important question
Differences between religious and non-religious explanations
Religious explanations tell us why the universe was created and what that means for us
Non-religious explanations tell us how the world was created
Religions use the language of poetry and metaphors and stories, non-religious explanations use scientific language
Religious explanations believe there is a creator behind the universe (God), non-religious explanations suggest the Big Bang could be an accident and evolution a natural process
The Bible states that the Universe was created by God
The Creation Story in Genesis
1. God said "Let there be light" and light appeared
2. God created the sky, dry lands, seas, plants, sun, moon, stars, sea creatures, land animals, and humans
3. At the end of each day God looked at what He had done and said it was good
4. God blessed the seventh day and set it apart as a special day of rest
The Creation Story in Genesis
For some Christians, the Bible is the exact word of God and the Universe was created in six days
For other Christians, the writers of the Bible were inspired by God but wrote the stories in a way which people could understand
The purpose of the story is to tell people why the Universe and people were created, not to provide detailed explanations about how the Universe was created
The Creation Story is easy to understand
Scientists have developed their own theories to explain the origin of the World with a great deal of evidential proof, and there is absolutely no scientific proof to support the literal view of the Creation Story in Genesis
The Creation Story in the Bible has similarities with the creation stories in other religions, as they were written to give answers to important questions at a time when knowledge of science was minimal
The Creation Story in Genesis answers an important why question but doesn't answer important how questions
The Big Bang Theory
Science provides compelling evidence of a 'Big Bang' start to the Universe
Powerful telescopes allow us to look at the very heart of the 'Big Bang'
Meteorites and Earth formed from the same primordial stuff, and by comparing the amount of uranium and lead in rocks, scientists were able to work out that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old
Many Christians believe there is compatibility between the Big Bang theory and their beliefs, as the Bible has to be seen in its context and the Creation Story is a simple and poetic exploration to show the power of God
The Big Bang Theory is just a theory and the history of Science shows how theories can change and, in some cases, be discounted altogether
The Big Bang theory leaves many questions unanswered, such as what existed before the Big Bang and whether the Universe will continue to expand forever
Believe the World was created exactly as described in the Book of Genesis and totally reject the Big Bang theory because it contradicts the Bible's teachings
Creationists argue that Science has its limitations and point out that Science has often been very wrong in the past
The Big Bang theory tells us what happened but it doesn't tell us why it happened, and it doesn't provide moral guidance or help us to live out our lives
The Old Testament, the Book of Genesis Chapter 2, states that Adam and Eve were the first man and woman created by God
The story of Adam and Eve
Provides simple answers to important questions such as why humans exist and why they are unique and special
Illustrates the power of God
Provides human beings with special status - they are made in God's image, are the result of God's will and not a cosmic accident, and have an important purpose in life
The Book of Genesis provides two completely different accounts of God creating human beings
The purpose of the Adam and Eve stories is to explain why people were created and not how, and they are similar to the creation stories in other religions
Scientists have shown that people evolved from other creatures over millions of years and say there is no scientific proof to support the Adam and Eve story
Origins of life according to science
All life on Earth developed from single cell organisms which emerged around 3.5 billion years ago
One scientific theory is that life arrived in a cloud of dust from a passing comet
The heat from volcanos and lightning strikes mixed with chemicals in the atmosphere to produce simple organic chemicals that are essential for life
Scientists have simulated the Earth's early sphere in a laboratory and shown that simple molecules can become more complex ones, some of which are capable of replicating themselves
The first living cells developed into bacteria and algae, and over millions of years these tiny organisms changed the Earth's atmosphere into one based on oxygen
More complex cells then evolved, leading to more complex creatures, and the first humans started to evolve around 5 million years ago
Strengths of the Theory of Evolution
There is strong scientific evidence - physiological, fossil and bio geographical - to support Darwin's ideas
The key principles of the Theory of Evolution are widely accepted by scientists and the general public
Advances in scientific understanding since the 19th century have reinforced Darwin's ideas
How simple forms of life developed
They fed themselves by photosynthesising the energy from the Sun
Over millions of years these tiny organisms changed the Earth's atmosphere into one based on oxygen and nitrogen
How more complex life forms evolved
1. 600 million years ago the only life was in the oceans
2. By 400 million years ago there was enough oxygen for the first plants
3. 325 million years ago and flying insects 25 million years later
4. The first reptiles evolved 300 million years ago
5. Within another 70 million years the first mammals had emerged
The first human beings started to evolve from apes around 5 million years ago
Around 98 percent of modern human DNA is identical to that of chimpanzees
The Theory of Evolution
There is strong scientific evidence (physiological, fossil and biogeographical) to support Darwin's ideas
The key principles of the Theory of Evolution are widely accepted by scientists and the general public
Advances in scientific understanding since the 19th century have reinforced Darwin's ideas on natural selection
Advances in genetics, DNA and computer simulations have been particularly useful
Evidence from geologists and palaeontologists also support the process of evolution of living things
Some scientists believe the Theory of Evolution is compatible with religion
Some Christians combine their belief in God and science's explanations of the origin of the Universe and human life
Some Christians have used Darwin's theory to reinforce their ideas of God as an ever-working God rather than a God who created all species at the same time
Limitations of the Theory of Evolution
It is criticised by some Christians for lacking evidence including missing links and inconsistencies
It is attacked for being contrary to Biblical teaching
The theory isn't perfect and still has some important gaps
Fossil records do not provide examples of all the evolutionary stages
Theories can change and be disregarded altogether
Fundamentalist Christians totally reject the Theory of Evolution because it contradicts the Bible
Science has its limitations and has been wrong in the past
Scientists are still seeking firm clues about the origin of human life
There is still a lack of comprehensive agreement on how natural selection began
Darwin's theories are incapable of explaining everything which exists in the living world
The human brain which greatly exceeds the demands required by the evolutionary process, gives credence to the idea that human beings were made special by God
The Theory of Evolution only attempts to tell us how life originated it doesn't tell us why