The science that studies the relation of physicochemical properties of drug, dosage form, & route of administration on rate and extent of drug absorption
The study of the kinetics of absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME) of drugs and their pharmacologic, therapeutic, or toxic effects in animals and man
Drugs given IV go directly into blood
Refers to both metabolism and excretion
Drug in blood
Exists in equilibrium with drug in tissues
Concentration of the drug in blood can be different (greater or lesser) than the concentration of the drug in tissues due to the physicochemical properties of the drug
Rate of transfer of a drug
Proportional to concentration of the drug in the compartment from which it exits
Metabolites of a drug substance
Pharmacologically active
Both active and inactive
Metabolism of a drug to inactive products is an irreversible process
A pharmacologically inactive drug administered for known effects of its active metabolites
Elimination rate constant (kel)
Describes the rate of elimination of a drug from the body
Passive diffusion
From high to low concentration
Depends on the molecule's lipid solubility, particle size, degree of ionization, and area of absorptive surface
Primary mechanism for most drugs
No need for energy or carrier
Fick's law of absorption
Drug molecules diffuse from a region of high drug concentration to a region of low drug concentration
Permeability coefficient (P)
A combined constant that accounts for D, A, K, and h under usual conditions for absorption
Carrier-mediated transport
From high to low concentration
Need carrier in the membrane that combines reversibly with the substrate molecule outside the cell membrane
No need for energy
Specific molecular configuration
Limited number of carrier
Active transport
Against concentration gradient
Requires energy
Limited to drugs structurally similar to endogenous substances (eg, ions, vitamins, sugars, amino acids)
These drugs are usually absorbed from specific sites in the small intestine
Many body nutrients, such as sugars and amino acids, are transported across the membranes of the gastrointestinal tract by carrier processes
Certain vitamins and drug substances require active transport mechanisms for their absorption
The process by which a drug particle dissolves
For a drug to be absorbed, it must first dissolve in the fluid at the absorption site
Diffusion layer
The saturated layer of drug solution that envelops the surface of the solid drug particle as it undergoes dissolution
If dissolution is rapid or if the drug is administered as a solution
The rate at which the drug becomes absorbed depends mainly on its ability to traverse the membrane barrier
If dissolution is slow
Dissolution is a rate-limiting step in absorption
Drug remains in the stomach for 2 to 4 hours and in the small intestine for 4 to 10 hours
Gamma scintigraphy
A technique used to determine gastric emptying time by tracking dosage forms labeled with gamma-emitting radionuclides
Gastric emptying time is rapid with a fasting stomach and slower as food content increases
Changes in gastric emptying time or intestinal motility
Can affect drug transit time and thus opportunity for drug dissolution and absorption
Effects of drugs on gastric emptying
Anticholinergic drugs slow gastric emptying, increasing drug absorption from the stomach and reducing absorption from the small intestine
Drugs that enhance gastric motility, like laxatives, reduce the amount of drug absorbed
Aging decreases drug absorption (in geriatrics)
Decreased gastric emptying time
Is advantageous for drugs absorbed from the stomach but disadvantageous for drugs prone to acid degradation or inactivation by stomach enzymes
Noyes-Whitney equation
Describes the rate of dissolution
Noyes-Whitney equation
dw/dt = D * A * (cs - ct) / L
The rate of dissolution is governed by the rate of diffusion of the solute through the diffusion layer
Factors that increase the rate of dissolution
Increasing surface area (reducing particle size)
Increasing the solubility of the drug in the diffusion layer
Increasing the rate of agitation of the dissolving medium
Reducing the viscosity of the solvent
Changes in pH or nature of solvent that influence the solubility of the drug
pH-dependent solubility
For acidic drugs: pH = pKa + log (ionized/unionized)
For basic drugs: pH = pKa + log (unionized/ionized)
Very weak acids and bases are completely non-ionized at physiological pH, so their transfer is rapid and pH-independent
Strong acids and bases are completely ionized, so their transfer is usually slow and pH-independent
Drugs with pKa values in the range of 3 to 7.5 for acids and 7 to 11 for bases are affected by pH
Stomach pH is 1-2, duodenum pH is 2-4, small intestine pH is 4-6, and large intestine pH is 6-7.8
Micronized powders
Drug particles reduced in size to about 5 μm and smaller, used to increase surface area