Lab experiments

Cards (5)

  • Lab experiments
    • Have a very high level of control
    • Take place in an artificial environment
    • The IV is created by the researcher and manipulated to measure its effect on the DV
  • A strength of lab experiments is that they have high levels of control. This means that you can control EVs. As a result we can be more certain that any changes in the DV are due to changes in the IV. Therefore we can be certain there's a cause and effect relationship between the IV and the DV. Thus increasing the validity
  • A strength of lab experiments is that the high levels of control allow you to control all variables that occurred in the experiment and make them occur in the same way when repeating the experiment. This means that we can establish a standardised procedure and repeat the experiment to see if the findings are consistent. Thus increasing the reliability
  • A weakness of lab experiments is that they take place in artificial settings. Therefore findings cannot be applied to everyday life. Because the participant is in unfamiliar surroundings, their behaviour shown may be unnatural and not reflective of everyday life. Thus decreasing the ecological validity.
  • A weakness of lab experiments is that participants tend to be aware that their behaviour is being measured/assessed. As a result, participants may display unnatural behaviour due to demand characteristics. Thus decreasing the validity of the findings and conclusions drawn