All three layers plus the dense irregular connective tissue of the deep fascia are continuous with the tough connective tissue of a tendon at myotendinous junctions which join the muscle to bone, skin, or another muscle
The lateral registration of sarcomeres in adjacent myofibrils causes the entire muscle fiber to exhibit a characteristic pattern of transverse striations
Several hundred myosin molecules are arranged within each thick filament with overlapping rodlike portions and the globular heads directed toward either end
The overlapping arrangement of thin and thick filaments within sarcomeres produces in TEM cross sections hexagonal patterns of structures which were important in determining the functions of the filaments and other proteins in the myofibril
Tubular infoldings of the sarcolemma that penetrate deeply into the sarcoplasm and encircle each myofibril near the aligned A- and I-band boundaries of sarcomeres
The triad complex allows depolarization of the sarcolemma in a T-tubule to affect the sarcoplasmic reticulum and trigger release of Ca2+ ions into cytoplasm around the thick and thin filaments, which initiates contraction of sarcomeres