Viewing Notes

Subdecks (4)

Cards (132)

  • Ideology = anti-capitalism + feminism
  • Spectatorship = spatial temporal alignment with Ree but also as an outsider, sociolect emphasises outsider of viewer
  • Mis En Scene = clothes borrowed from the Ozark community
  • Genre = neo-western, dark fairytale and neo-noir
  • Sound = uses pleonastic sound to emphasise intense situations + folk song which is stereotypical for redneck families
  • Context = Granik wanted to show the forgotten America, characters are from the Ozark + Ashlee owns the home
  • Aesthetic = grim
  • Cinematography = primarily hand held camera
  • Representation = masculine violence + strong female companionship
  • Editing = the invisible editing helps to create a realistic portrait of Ree’s life.