-dumping chemicals and rubbish into rivers or the sea
-cutting down too many trees, and using too many toxins.
We have rights : The Constitution states that everyone has the right to a safe and healthy environment.
What is the responsibilities associated with the above right
The responsibility of everyone in every community to look after the environment and resources.
It is also the responsibility of various levels of government to ensure that the environment and services are safe and healthy.
Parliament makes laws
for the whole country
Provincial governments make laws
for their own provinces
Municipalities make ________for their municipal areas.
What do acts give ministers the power to do
The power to make regulations or add details to laws
What are examples of by-laws
Noise complaints
keeping of animals
hijacked buildings
operating a business in a residential area
homeless persons, and the preservation of the environment are all issues that are covered by the various municipal
by-laws that are applicable in the different municipalities across the country.
National Water Act, 1998
regulates the management of water resources so that everyone has access to clean water; it protects the quality of water resources.
National Health Act, 2003
as rules about access to health care services; basic health care for children; and how provinces and municipalities should deliver quality health services.
National Environmental Management Act, 1998
protects the environment, promotes conservation, and has rules on pollution, ecological degradation, waste management, and use of natural resources.
National Veld and Forest Fires Act, 1998
aims to prevent and stop veld, forest, and mountain fires
What is the responsibility of Local governments and municipal council
is to promote safe and healthy environments. They can make by-laws, which are laws and regulations that apply in a particular area or town.
What are examples of Community services provided by Local governments and municipal courts?
provide services such as electricity, waste disposal, water, traffic control, clinics and fire services
Examples of Community Services:
1. Provide free basic services like water and electricity for those who can not afford it
2. Build libraries
3. Set up and manage sports facilities
4. Establish risk management systems to identify, prevent or reduce disasters
5. Raise awareness of fire hazards and install fire extinguishers at schools
6. Water tanks to residents so they can collect rainwater
What is the goal of Educational and Intervention programmes?
The goal is to teach people and make them aware of issues that affect them
What are impact studies?
Impact studies measure and monitor something to see if a particular action would, or is, having an effect.
Impact studies are also known as ?
Audits or assessmentss
What is a personal mission statement?
A mission statement usually sets out the purpose and aim of a business, company, or organisation. A mission statement is meant to guide a business. Your personal mission statement is similar
What are your personal views?
Your personal views are opinions and what you consider to be important. Your personal views may be influenced by your goals for your future, your religion, culture, and values.
What are values?
Values are personal beliefs that guide the way you live your life
Why are values important?
- They help you decide on your goals
-Your values help you to make decisions
What is a belief system
Your belief system is the way you try to understand the world and your place in it. It is also your set of beliefs about what is right and wrong, true or false.
What is a religion
Your religion is what you believe and who or what you worship. Religions usually have moral codes, rituals and ways of behaving towards others.
A monotheistic system of beliefs and practices based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as embodied in the New Testament and emphasizing the role of Jesus as savior.
A religion and philosophy developed in ancient India, characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being who takes many forms
A religion based on the teachings of the prophet Mohammed which stresses belief in one god (Allah), Paradise and Hell, and a body of law written in the Quran. Followers are called Muslims.
A religion based on the teachings of the Buddha.
A religion with a belief in one god. It originated with Abraham and the Hebrew people. Yahweh was responsible for the world and everything within it. They preserved their early history in the Old Testament.
African Traditional Religion
Various, mostly animistic religions based in nature and ancestor worship or veneration is a significant component.
Bahai religion
a monotheistic religion founded in the 19th century as a development of Babism, emphasizing the essential oneness of humankind and of all religions and seeking world peace
What are examples of Political Ideologies
1. Democracy
2. Communism
3. Nationalism
4. Fascism
What are examples of economic ideologies
1. Capitalism
3. Marxism
What is Lifestyle?
Your lifestyle is how you live your life daily
Environmental responsibility
the obligations of an individual, group, or general population for the physical conditions, circumstances, and related resources influencing the health and comfort of current and future generations
What are the steps/tips on formulating a personal mission statement:
1. Be brief and clear
2. Focus on the kind of person you want to be
3. State what you want to become
4. Add a quote from someone you admire
What is the significance of having a vision
Having a vision about your future gives you a direction about who you want to be or what you want to achieve in five to 10 years' time, or even in 30 years' time.
Your vision is your DREAM.
How can having a vision impact your actions and behaviour?
- The choices you make
- Encourage you to perform and do well
- Inspire you and give you the will to keep going when there are challenges in your life