Cards (22)

  • Democratic Intervention
    1. Political Corruption
    2. Basic Needs
    3. Association
    4. Participation
  • Political Corruption
    People are dissatisfied because they forgot to provide the needs of the people
  • Basic Needs
    > 2 Common Complaints By Societies
    1. Poverty
    2. Hunger
  • Association
    > Democratic Biases
    -Weakens family bind and kinship (discouraged to exist by putting pressure of work, migration and urbanisation)
  • Participation
    People’s engagement in various actions to execute voluntary services to solve problem
  • Importance of Participation in Democracy
    • Involvement of people in creating policies and programs:
    • Serves interest of citizens and progress of all
  • 5 Reasons Why Is Participation in Democracy Important
    1. To Influence government most especially in making laws to be imposed for the progress of the country
    2. It provides individuals an opportunity to influence public decisions for the interest of all
    3. Gives equal opportunity or chance to express thoughts, ideas, and feelings about a certain issues
    4. Develop self confidence
    5. It promotes a well cooperative community and creates harmonious relationships with one another
  • Participatory & Representative Democracy
    1. Participatory
    2. Representative
  • Participatory
    • Individual participation of citizens directly in making policies and concerning political aspects
    • Model of democracy in which citizens have the power to make policy decisions
  • Representative
    Kind of democracy where people elect representatives to make laws in behalf of citizens
  • Technology
    Accumulation of skills, procedures, performances that are combined to create goals and services using scientific method
  • Information
    Facts discovered by reading research study or analysis
  • Information Communication Technology (ICT)
    • Technology needed for information dispensation used for communication devices
    • Such as Electronics, Computers, Software Application (to Convert, Store, Protect, Transit, & Retriever Information)
  • Communication
    Key Component: Message Transmission
  • Technology
    • Plays crucial role in communication:
    • Use of knowledge resources
    • Experience to create processes & products
  • Invention Technology
    • Came from imagination
    • Originated after study & experiment
    • Product of imagination
  • Innovation Technology
    Brand new ideas, method, or device
  • Aiding Communication
    How will we communicate with others
  • Spreading Communication
    Spreading Information
  • Technology Timeline
    • 3500 BC Cuneiform Writing (Sumerians)
    • 1500 BC Alphabet (Phoenicians)
    • 105 BC Paper (Tsai Lum of China)
    • 1454 First printing began
    • 1793 Telegraph line
    • 1976 First Telephone
    • 1925 Television known to public
    • 1941 Computer was created
    • 1958 Photocopy machine
    • 1963 Communication satellite was introduced
    • 1969 First internet was introduced (ARPANET)
  • 5 Utilization of Technology (Negative)
    1. Pollutes the environment from industrial waste
    2. Promotes endless war
    3. Replaces the job of people
    4. Leads to dependency
    5. Emerging Technology
  • 9 Utilization of Technology
    1. Fields in emerging technologies
    2. Robotics
    3. Artificial Intelligence
    4. Educational Technology
    5. Information Technology
    6. Nano Technology
    7. Bio (Technology)
    8. Cognitive Science
    9. Psycho Science