Mathematics of Graphs

Cards (43)

  • Leonhard Euler
    The greatest mathematician that Switzerland has ever produced.
  • Mathematics of graph
    A branch of mathematics concerning with network of points connected by lines
  • Vertex
    A region
  • Edge
    a path(bridge) between two regions
  • Order
    The number of vertices in G, 𝑣(𝐺)
  • Size
    The number of edges in G, 𝑒(𝐺)
  • Loop
    An edge whose endpoints are equal
  • Multiple edges
    Edges have the same pair of endpoint
  • Simple graph
    A graph has no loops or multiple edges
  • Null graph
    the graph whose vertex set and edges are empty
  • Finite graph
    a graph whose vertex set and edge set are finite
  • Equivalent graphs
    Graphs are considered ____ because the edges form the same connections of vertices in each graph.
  • Clique
    a set of pairwise adjacent vertices
  • Independent set
    a set of pairwise nonadjacent vertices
  • Bipartite
    A graph 𝑮 is ____ if 𝑽(𝑮) is the union of two disjoint independent sets called partite sets of 𝑮
  • Chromatic number
    The ____ of a graph 𝑮, written 𝒙(𝑮), is the minimum number of colors needed to label the vertices so that adjacent vertices receive different colors
  • Map
    a partition of the plane into connected regions
  • Path
    a sequence of distinct vertices such that two consecutive vertices are adjacent
  • Cycle
    a closed path
  • Connected
    There exists at least one path between two vertices
  • Disconnected
    No path between two vertices
  • Degree
    the number of edges incident upon d(Vk)
  • Adjacency matrix
    The ____ of G written A(G), is the n-by-n matrix in which entry ai,j is the number of edges in G with endpoints {vi , vj }.
  • Incidence matrix
    The ____ is the n-by-m matrix in which entry mi,j is 1 if vi is an endpoint of ei and otherwise is 0.
  • Complete graph
    a simple graph whose vertices are pairwise adjacent
  • Biclique
    a simple bipartite graph such that two vertices are adjacent if and only if they are in different partite sets.
  • Petersen graph
    A simple graph whose vertices are the 2-element subsets of a 5-element set and whose edges are pairs of disjoint 2-element subsets
  • Girth
    the length of its shortest cycle
  • Walk
    a list of vertices and edges
  • Trail
    a walk with no repeated edge
  • u,v-path
    a u,v-trail with no repeated vertex
  • Length
    the number of edges
  • Closed
    A walk or trail is ____ if its endpoints are the same.
  • Even graph
    a graph with vertex degrees all even
  • Odd
    A vertex is ____ when its degree is odd.
  • Transversable graph

    A graph that can be drawn without any breaks in the curve without repeating any edge.
  • Eulerian
    The graph is ____ if it has a closed traversable trail.
    A graph with a closed path that passes through all vertices exactly once.
  • Circuit
    We call a closed trail a ____ when we do not specify the first vertex but keep the list in cyclic order.
  • Eulerian trail

    a circuit or trail containing all the edges