Also known as the Design Argument, proposes that everything has a purpose
Watchmaker analogy by WilliamPaley: A man is walking and he finds a rock. He credits the rock's existence to nature. He continues walking and stumbles across a watch, he decides the watch's purpose is to measure time. Due to how complex the watch is he concludes the watch has to have a watchmaker. If we agree the watch has a watchmaker since it is so complex and then think about the universe and how it is also complex. If the watch has to have a watchmaker then the universe needs one. That universemaker must be God.
Teleological/Design Argument
Analogy is easy to understand/accessible to everybody
Uses familiar objects to explain the analogy
Humankind likes explanations, this provides that
It's a persuasive argument
Assumes that 'God' is the designer
Complexity doesn't automatically require design
Natural processes, like evolution, can explain the complexity and order we see in the natural world without the need for a designer
If nature is designed, why would it include destructive forces that cause harm and suffering? Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, raises questions about the existence of an all-powerful and benevolent creator
The main counterargument is natural selection evolution
The theory of evolution goes against religious teachings because it challenges the teleological argument
Evolution fits with the universe being complex
According to the bible humans were created on the 6th day not over a period of a million years
God could have used evolution as part of his creation
Genesis theory is old and not to be taken literally
David Hume states if the world really was designed and created by God there would not be such disorder and chaos
There are parts of the world that are inhabitable, how is this intelligent design?
He said a flawed world equals a flawed creator. If God created all creatures and the perfect environments for them then how does evidence that creatures adapted to their environment fit?
This must mean the universe is not designed or if it was the creator is not omnipotent or omnibenevolent
Kant states the order and complexity we see in the world could be human perception
There might not be any order and complexity, it's just what we impose on the world
We see what we want to see, we see a designer because we want to see a designer