CnH2nOn —> Cn(H2O)n (molecules of H2O are seen within structure)
Have compounds that have the following functional groups: Polyhydroxy aldehydes, Polyhydroxy ketones
Multiple hydroxyl groups bonded (-OH)
Functional group
Part of the structure that reacts
Compounds that can be hydrolyzed
Compounds that are "broken down" or hydrolyzed and seen with simpler compounds like polyhydroxy aldehydes or polyhydroxy ketones
Most basic unit that comprises the carbohydrate (polyhydroxy aldehyde or polyhydroxy ketone)
Carbohydrate units
Oligosaccharides (few)
Polysaccharides (many)
General designation for either a monosaccharide or a disaccharide (e.g. glucose, fructose, lactose)
White, crystalline solid, all are sweet tasting, polar compounds with high melting points, water soluble, insoluble in organic solvents like diethyl ether
Monosaccharide classification by functional group
Aldoses (contain an aldehyde group)
Ketoses (contain a ketone group)
Contains an aldehyde group
Contains a ketone group
Carbonyl group is at the terminal end
Carbonyl group is within the chain
Monosaccharide classification by number of carbon atoms
Trioses (3 carbons)
Tetroses (4 carbons)
Pentoses (5 carbons)
Hexoses (6 carbons)
Heptoses (7 carbons)
The most numerous carbon atoms formed in a carbohydrate is 7, but in the metabolic pathway the shortest is 3 (triose) and the longest is 7 (heptose)
Longest but abnormal/very rare (e.g. heptulose)
Longest and stable (e.g. glucose, fructose, galactose, mannose)
Condensed form of the last unit of a carbohydrate
Concept that a molecule has four different entities attached, which can either be individual atoms or groups of atoms
Chiral molecule
A molecule whose mirror images are not superimposable
Forms of carbohydrates that are mirror images of each other but cannot be superimposed
Glyceraldehyde has two possible enantiomers, D-glyceraldehyde is the common, naturally occurring one
Fischer projection
Representation of carbohydrate structure in an open-chain form
Drawing a Fischer projection
1. Draw a vertical line
2. Copy the first group of carbon (CHO or just H double bond O)
3. In Fischer projection, do not draw the second group of carbon since it is an intersection, just copy the remaining H and OH
4. Copy the rest (CH2OH)
Numbering in Fischer projection
The most oxidized end of the molecule has the lowest number
D and L monosaccharides
Differentiated by the position of the hydroxyl group on the chiral carbon (Carbon 2)
Glucose and all other naturally occurring sugars are D-sugars, while amino acids are primarily of the L-form
Mirror images of each other that cannot be superimposed
aldoses (Fischer projection)
Generated by adding one carbon at a time, with the location of Carbon 2 being consistent
ketoses (Fischer projection)
Very conservative clan, generated by adding one carbon at a time, with the location of Carbon 3 being consistent
Haworth projection
Used to represent carbohydrates in a ring or cyclic form
Molecules with the same molecular formula but different structures
Isomers that differ in the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in space
Stereoisomers that are mirror images of each other and cannot be superimposed
Stereoisomers that are not mirror images of each other
mirror, hydroxyl din =
Kung gano kalayo from the imaginary mirror, ganon din kalayo sa kabila (hydrogen based sa picture)
If there is no relationship or commonality between them
Not a reflection of each other
Stereoisomers whose molecules are not mirror images of each other
Correspondence is not observed, hence no mirror images