he followed 327 adults with a main diagnosis of depression. After 36 weeks, those using only CBT had an 81% improvement, those using antidepressants had an 81% improvement and those using both combined had a 86% improvement
march et als findings
highlights effectiveness of CBT, just as effective as antidepressents based on accurate scientific evidence
CBT has no side effects eg weight gain or cardiovascular issues
also results can positively benefit economy- both combined highest chance in improving QOL...... economy
limitation- lacks generalisability
not appropriate for severe cases of depression
where energy and mood levels low so lack motivation to attend and may feel beyond help
less attractive option than drug therapy which requires minimal effort
use of both combined most effective, increased serotonin provides motivation to attend CBT
environmentally reductionist
only aims to identfy irrational thoughts eg REBT provides treatment followinf activating event
however may be no activating event and thus only explain reactive depression= may feel hopeless