Disagreements between Henry and his councillors eg over war with France
Wolsey as chief minister
Relied on Wolsey to manage government effectively, Wolsey had a close relationship with the king
Thomas Cromwell As Chief Minister
Rose to power in 1532 and dominated royal government for the next eight years
Conciliar government in a new form
New privy council emerged, Fixed membership
Domestic Policies Under Wolsey 1515-1529
Centred on strengthening royal authority and raising finance
Wolsey- Court of Chancery
Used to uphold fair justice in problems relating to enclosure, contracts and land left to others in wills
Wolsey- Court of Star Chamber
Established as an offshoot of the kings council (under Henry VII), centre of both government and legal system, used to increase cheap and fair justice, heard cases of alleged misconduct and private lawsuits
Local law officers...
appointed to enforce royal law
Authority of the crown...
Was extended to regional courts
Wolsey- 1525
Amicable Grant, in theory a voluntary gift to the king from the subjects, but it was a heavy tax, lead to widespread resistance and had to be abandoned
Wolsey- 1526
Eltham Ordinances, aimed to reduce royal household expenditure by reforming the privy chambers finance, Wolsey also succeeded in reducing privy chambers influence
The 'Kings Great Matter'
The annulment of Henrys marriage to Catherine but this is something that could only be granted by the pope
Why did Henry want to divorce Catherine?
Henry had no male heir, feared for his kingdom if he died, Catherine was past childbearing age, He was in love with Anne Boleyn
April 1533
Act in Restraint of Appeals, no appeals could be made to Rome against decisions of Church courts in England
April 1534
Act of Succession, annulled Henry's marriage to Catherine, any denial of Henrys new marriage was now treason
November 1534
Act of Supremacy, King is declared head of the church of England
November 1534
Treason Act, became treasonable to call Henry a heretic
November 1534
Act in Restraint of Annates, allowed the annates to be transferred to from Pope to king
1536 & 1541
First & Second Suppression acts, dissolved the monasteries
Significance of 1533 Act in Restraint of Appeals
Catherine couldn't appeal to Rome about the marriage annulment
Significance of 1534 Act of Succession
Mary became illegitimate, Male heir hope was left to Anne
Significance of 1534 Act of Supremacy
Pope's authority was no longer recognised in England
Significance of 1534 Treason Act
Brought down Thomas More, used against opponents of royal supremacy
Significance of 1534 Act of Restraint of Annates
Strengthened the kings position, special court was set up to administer this
Significance of 1536&1541 Suppression Acts
Confiscation of church lands to the crown, vastly increased wealth and power of the crown
Domestic Policy under Cromwell (1532-1540)
Developed a more modern form of Government
Privy Council Under Cromwell
Reduced it to 20 men, who took responsibility for business of government, increased efficiency, higher value placed on talent
Marriages Under Cromwell
Negotiated further marriages for Henry, Cromwell made the case for Annes adultery
Modern Government Under Cromwell
Took a more bureaucratic approach, created departments, controlled by rules and procedures,
Court of Augmentations & Court of First Fruits and Tenths
Established to look after Henrys income from the Church, subject to scrutiny and careful auditing of all accounts
Cromwell's Fall
Followed the failure of Henrys fourth marriage to Anne of Cleves, arranged to suit Cromwell's foreign policy, tried for treason and heresy, executed in July 1540
Government in Henry VIII's last years (1540-1547)
Dominated by conservatives, Under a revived system of conciliar government, Rivalries between those with different political and religious views broke out as they tried to control Henrys heir
Henry VIII mainly left day to day running of government to others, need to secure a heir gave a rise to the 'Kings Great Matter', Henry only intervened when it suited him