cells specialisation

Cards (4)

  • how are sperm cells specialised for reproduction?
    • long tail & streamlined head to help swim
    • has lots of mitochondria to provide energy needed
    • carries enzymes in its head to digest through egg cell membrane
  • how are nerve cells specialised for rapid signalling?
    • cells are long ( to cover more distance)
    • have branched connections at their ends to connect to other nerve cells to form a network in the body
    • easier to carry electrical signals through the body
  • how are muscle cells specialised for contraction?
    • cells a are long (so they have space to contract)
    • contain lots of mitochondria to generate energy needed for contraction
  • how are phloem and xylem cells specialised for transporting substances?
    • form tubes - transport substances such as food and water
    • the cells are long and joined need to end
    • xylem cells are hollow in the centre
    • phloem cells have very few sub cellar structures so stuff can flow through them