People in AP Euro

Cards (100)

  • Petrarch
    Father of Humanism - known for his poetry
  • Machiavelli
    wrote "The Prince"/ "the ends justify the means"/ wrote about how things were not how they should be
  • Lorenzo de Medici
    famous for generous patronage of the arts & philosophy
  • Cicero
    Roman writer, had major impact on the development of the Renaissance - humanist education curriculum
  • Michaelangelo
    One of the four major artists of the Italian Renaissance - painted ceiling of Sistine Chapel, Pieta, and David
  • Da Vinci
    One of the four major artists of the Italian Renaissance - famous for Mona Lisa and The Last Supper
  • Thomas More
    "Utopia"-focused on better world
  • Desiderius Erasmus
    "The Praise of Folly" - criticized catholic church but still remained Catholic
    Edited Greek New Testament so scholars could read original
  • Henry VII
    important during age of exploration - ended war of roses and united country - rebuilt finances and navy - eliminated competitions to throne
  • Ferdinand and Isabella
    age of exploration conquest of new world- spanish inquisition/reconquista - reformed taxation and army
  • Prince Henry the Navigator
    financed expeditions along African coastline
  • Vasco de Gama
    First Voyage to India (1498)
  • Christopher Columbus
    used caravel, made it to NA, columbian exchange (corn, potatoes tomatoes and tobacco to Europe)
  • Johann Tetzel
    seller of indulgences, went to Germany
  • Martin Luther
    started reformation, pinned 95 theses on Wittenberg Castle Church, consubstantiation
  • Pope Leo X
    wanted Luther to retract 41 theses, claimed Henry VIII "defender of the faith," Patron of Raphael, needed money to finish St. Peter's Basilica/sold indulgences
  • Frederick of Saxony
    German prince who protected Luther
  • Charles V
    HRE who called Luther to Diet of Worms (1521), to recant, Luther refused and was pronounced as outlaw
  • John Calvin
    consubstantiation, calvinism, predestination, moved to Geneva Switzerland, no separation of church and state
  • Ulrich Zwingli
    Eucharistic Memorial, Swiss Protestant Reformer
  • Henry VIII
    "defender of the faith", defense of the seven sacraments, act of supremacy, abolished monasteries, started church of england
  • Catherine of Aragon
    first wife of Henry VIII, Henry VIII was not given annulment to divorce her, led to supremacy act
  • Anne Boleyn
    Henry VIII wanted annulment from pope to marry her, led to Supremacy Act
  • Edward VI
    son of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour, ruled at 9 years old, "Lord Protector of Puritans"
  • Elizabeth I
    "Elizabethan Settlement" - outward conformity, inward whatever
  • Mary I
    "Bloody Mary" - married Philip II of Spain, tried to force England into Catholicism
  • Thomas Cranmer
    archbishop of canterbury, book of Common Prayer for C of E
  • John Knox
    found presbyterianism in Scotland
  • Ignatius Loyola
    Society of Jesus (Jesuits), focus on education and fighting heresy, counter-reformation
  • Teresa of Avila
    most popular saint of Counter-Reformation, represents personal piety, intense visions - close to God
  • Catherine de Medici
    last in lalois dynasty, Queen of France, her sons vs. protestants
  • Ferdinand II (HR Emperor)

    king of HRE about half of 30 yrs. war, Catholic Counter-Reformation, victory in Bohemian phase
  • Cardinal Richelieu
    subordination to Louis XIV, succeeded by Mazarin
  • Gustavus Adolphus
    Lutheran King of Spain, important in Swedish phase, killed in battle
  • Henry IV of France
    Bourbon Dynasty, Huguenot, "Paris is worth a mass", politique (politics over religion), issued Edict of Nantes
  • Louis XIV
    "The Sun King", major absolutist king of France, got rid of Edict of Nantes
  • Cardinal Mazarin
    continued Richelieu's centralization, increased taxes, led to the Fronde
  • Jean-Baptiste Colbert
    mercantilism, govt. controls econom to go for the gold
  • Peter the Great
    table of Ranks (controls Nobles), Russian Orthodox Church Reform, Westernization, St. Petersburg, Great Northern War to get warm water port
  • Frederick William I the Great Elector
    Prussian, House of Hohenzollern, power to tax by decree, prussian militarism