tissue fluid

Cards (9)

  • ultrafiltration: small molecules filtered out due to high pressure
  • at the arteriole end:
    high hydrostatic pressure
    net flow of fluid out of capillary to form tissue fluid
  • at venous end:
    low hydrostatic pressure
    net flow of fluid back into capillary oncotic pressure of blood
  • at the venous end, the pressure decreases because it's further away from the heart
  • what causes the resistance to blood flow at the venous end?
    narrow lumen and total cross-sectional area is greater than the arterioles so the is more surface the blood will be in contact with
  • some tissue fluid is reabsorbed and some is drained into the lymphatic system
  • tissue fluid leaks out into capillaries
  • uses of tissue fluid:
    • bathes cells of a tissue and allows exchange of substances between blood and cells
    • glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, salts and oxygen are all delivered to the cell
    • co2 and other waste substances are removed
    • composition is similar to blood plasma
    • blood contains erythrocytes and neutrophils
    • tissue fluid may contain neutrophils, but doesn't contain erythrocytes
    • formed from plasma by pressure filtration
    • all material exchanged between the blood and cells pass through the cell wall
    • fenestrations between endothelium cells are too small - erythrocytes can't shape too much