
Cards (11)

  • Birth rate
    The amount of births per 1000 of a population per year
  • Death rate
    Deaths per 1000 of a population per year
  • Life expectancy
    The amount of years a person is expected to live in a country
  • Infant mortality rate
    Number of infants dying before their 1st birthday per 1000 births per year
  • Human Development Index (HDI)
    A measure used to assess the level of human development in a country
  • Gross National Income (GNI) per capita
    The total of money earned by people in a country added then divided by the number of people in the country
  • GNI per capita is a good indicator of a country's development as it shows the amount of wealth a country possesses which can indicate how developed a country is
  • Causes of uneven development
    • Physical factors (land, location, climate, natural hazards)
    • Economic factors (lack of industry, cash crops)
    • Political factors (government stability, war)
    • Historical factors (slave trade, colonialism)
  • The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is one of the worst countries in terms of development
  • Sustainable development goals were set in 2015 to be achieved by 2030
  • some indicators on being developed
    • healthcare
    • food
    • sanitation
    • education