
Cards (18)

  • Enzyme
    Biological catalyst
  • Metabolism
    The sum of all the chemical reactions taking place in an organism
  • Substrate
    Specific molecule a specific enzyme acts upon
  • Product
    Produced by enzyme action
  • Active site
    Part of the enzyme that joins to the substrate
  • Induced fit theory
    The active site of an enzyme will change its shape slightly to accommodate its specific substrate.
  • Specificity
    Each enzyme can only join with one substrate
  • Anabolic reactions
    Simple to Complex REQUIRE ENERGY
  • Catabolic reactions
    Complex to Simple
  • Denaturation
    Enzyme is irreversibly damaged and has lost its shape (can be caused by heat or pH
  • Enzyme structure
    Globular protein
  • Factors affecting enzyme action
    pH, temperature
  • Optimum pH
    The pH at which the enzyme works best (e.g. pH 7)
  • Pepsin
    Enzyme found in the stomach - breaks down proteins to polypeptides - works best at pH 2
  • Catalase
    Enzyme found in potatoes and liver.
    Substrate: H2O2
    Product: water and oxygen (foam)
  • Bioprocessing
    The use of enzyme-controlled reactions to make a product
  • Immobilised enzymes
    Enzymes bound in an inert substance
  • Benefits of immobilised enzymes
    -can be reused
    -cost effective
    -no need for separation