
Cards (79)

  • Contents
    • Overview of booklet
    • General terms
    • Form
    • Genre
    • Structure
    • Style
    • Conventions
    • Characterisation and rehearsal techniques
    • Voice
    • Movement
    • staging and areas of the stage
    • Production areas
  • Acting Style
    The style in which you are acting in, for instance; naturalistic, stylized etc.
  • Actor-audience relationship
    The relationship created between the actor and the audience
  • Atmosphere
    The feeling and emotion that is created
  • Blocking
    The moves of the actors on stage
  • Types of characters
    • Central character, complex character, important character, main character, pivotal character
    • Minor character
  • Characterisation

    The investigation and portrayal of a character
  • Character behaviour/ interaction/relationship

    The way a character acts and responds to others
  • Climax
    The most dramatic point in the play
  • Types of context
    • Dramatic context
    • Social context
    • Political context
    • Cultural context
  • Design Concepts
    Ideas for the design of the production; for instance, lighting, costume, set etc.
  • Dialogue
    The spoken word between characters
  • Drama Media
    Projections, video footage, sound scapes etc.
  • Drama Process
    The steps taken from responding to stimulus or text, to the performance day
  • Dramatic Features

    • Plot and plot twists
    • Themes and issues
    • Dramatic tension
    • Dramatic irony
    • Character motivation
    • Character relationships
    • Key moments
    • Genre
    • Form
    • Purpose
    • Setting
    • Period
    • Style
    • Target audience
    • Mood
    • Atmosphere
  • Dramatic tension / points of tension / moments of tension
    Tense and exciting moments in the play
  • Dramatic Irony
    Actions or remarks whose significance is not realised by all the characters
  • Duologues
    A conversation between two characters
  • Episodic Structure
    Series of scenes or stories linking together by a common theme, character or setting etc. It does not need to link to the same storyline
  • Focus
    Key moment, scene, character, relationship, or event in a drama
  • Given Circumstances
    Textual information given to an actor about a character or moment (this cannot be altered). This will help them to play the character and situation true to the text
  • Ground Plans
    A drawing or image that gives a birds eye view of the set, acting area and audience position
  • Key Scene
    One of the most important scenes in the drama
  • Key Moment
    A moment in the drama which is integral to the plot
  • Language
    The words used by the characters during the play. This can determine class, personality, feelings etc.
  • Message
    The overall point to be communicated
  • Mood
    The feeling or emotion of a moment or piece
  • Types of original production

    • Original production
    • Original staging
    • Stage configurations
  • Performance Analysis
    The analysation and critique on a performance you have seen
  • Performance Concepts
    Ideas and techniques you have used as an actor when developing your character; voice, movement, blocking etc
  • Pre-show
    A part of the production which adds depth to the plot like the dancing in the woods in the Crucible for instance
  • Plot
    The Storyline/Scenario
  • Plot Twists
    Sections of the storyline that are unpredictable and take the plot on a different track
  • Types of characters
    • Protagonist
    • Antagonist
  • Purpose
    The point of the drama, what the aim of the production is. This could also link to the purpose of your character in the piece
  • Stage Proxemics
    The positioning and distance of characters on stage to give dramatic impact
  • Rehearsal Activities
    • Character Cards
    • Giving Witness
    • Hot Seating
    • Improvisation
    • Key Moments
    • Mantel of the Expert
    • Role Play
    • Role on the Wall
    • Role-Reversal
    • Still Image or Talking through the image
    • Use of prop
    • Thought Tracking
    • Thought Tunnel
    • Voices in the Head
    • Visualisation Exercises
    • Writing in Role
  • Set
    Objects, flats, and furniture we see on stage to help create the setting
  • Setting
    The location the drama takes place, for instance, a house, a park etc.
  • Site Specific Theatre
    A piece of theatre created about/for a specific location and is then performed there to add impact