binary fission

Cards (8)

  • what is binary fission? Process by which prokaryotic organisms like bacteria divide and reproduce (one bacteria cell divides into 2)
  • whats another word for binary fission? assexual reproduction
  • 2 main things a bacterial cell needs to do before it divides grow- big enough to split into 2 new cellsreplicate genetic material- enough for each new cell (2 plasmids, 2 DNA)
  • will each bacterial cell have the same amount of genetic material? no plasmids are arranged randomly = 1 offspring cell will get one more or less than the other
  • the process of binary fission- 3 steps 2 large circular strands move to either side of the cell so offspring cells will end up getting one each Plasmids are arranged randomly = 1 offspring cell will get one more or less than the other When its ready to divide it starts a new cell wall down the middle of the cell= allowing the 2 halves to pull apart
  • 3 features how quickly bacterial populations can grow 1. some bacteria can divide once every 20 mins ONLY if in the RIGHT conditions 2. doubles each time 1-> 2-> 4-> 8 3. population grows really quickly
  • equation to calculate binary fission questions hours/ mean division time
  • what 3 conditions does the bacteria needs to be to carry out opitmal growth somewhere warmmoisthas plenty of nutrients= lack= divide more slowly or not at all