Cards (5)

  • Two process model
    1. Classical conditioning
    2. Operant conditioning
  • Classical conditioning
    Initiation of the phobia which is learnt via association
  • Classical conditioning

    • Demonstrated by using Pavlov's Dogs
    • Making dogs salivate at the sound of a bell. The neutral stimulus was the bell and the unconditioned stimulus was the food. And when they are repeatedly paired together in temporally contiguity, the NS is now conditioned and produces a conditioned response of salivating when the bell rings as the dog thinks food is coming.
  • Classical conditioning
    1. Neutral stimulus repeatedly paired with an unconditioned stimulus
    2. Neutral stimulus becomes the conditioned response.
  • Operant conditioning
    Maintains the phobia via learning through punishment and reinforcement. If action is reinforced then it increases frequency but if action is followed by punishment it decreases frequency. The avoidance of the phobic stimuli is negatively reinforcing as escaping an unpleasant situation.