core practicals

Cards (4)

  • what do you do during the microscopes practical?
    1. collect small sample of cells
    2. add stain to slide then add sample to slide
    3. add coverslip
    4. examine slide under microscope - start on lowest magnification
  • what do you do during the pH and enzymes practical?
    1. place a drop of iodine solution into each depression of the dimple tray
    2. measure amylase solution into a tube
    3. add solution with a particular pH into tube
    4. add starch solution into tube
    5. place tube into water bath
    6. every twenty seconds put a small amount of solution into a different depression of the tray
    7. stop testing when the iodine solution completely changes colour
    8. repeat using different pH
  • what do you do during the osmosis practical?
    1. put different concentrations of sucrose solution into different boiling tubes
    2. cut similar sized potatoes
    3. blot each one dry, record its mass and put into empty tube
    4. fill each potato tube with the same amount of the different sucrose solution
    5. after 15 minutes, remove potatos and record mass again
  • what do you do during the DNA extraction practical?
    1. dissolve salt into water and add some washing up liquid
    2. smash fruit (strawberries, peas, kiwis) up, put into empty beaker, and add solution from step one
    3. place beaker in water bath for 15 minutes
    4. filter mixture and collect filtrate, then pour it into a boiling tube
    5. add drops of protease enzyme solution
    6. add ice-cold ethanol to boiling tube
    7. white layer forms - this is the DNA