health and disease

Cards (25)

  • Health
    The complete social, physical and mental well-being of a person
  • Disease
    Any change in the normal function of a part of the body
  • Types of diseases
    • Communicable
    • Non-communicable
  • Communicable diseases
    Can be spread from person to person
  • Non-communicable diseases
    Cannot be spread from person to person, mainly caused by lifestyle or genetics
  • Causes of communicable diseases
    • Pathogens (microorganisms that can cause disease)
    • Cholera (bacteria, spread through water)
    • Tuberculosis (bacteria, airborne)
    • Chlora diet ashbach (fungal disease, airborne, affects plants)
    • Malaria (protist, spread by vectors like mosquitoes)
    • Helicobacter (bacteria, spread through touch)
    • HIV (virus, spread through bodily fluids)
    • Chlamydia (bacteria, spread through sexual contact)
  • Viruses
    Pathogens made up of genetic material (DNA or RNA) surrounded by a protein coat, cannot reproduce themselves and must use living cells to replicate
  • Barriers to pathogens in the human body
    • Physical barriers (skin, mucus, cilia)
    • Chemical barriers (stomach acid, lysozyme)
  • Components of the immune system
    • Phagocytes (engulf pathogens)
    • Lymphocytes (produce antibodies)
  • Antigens
    Flags on cells that identify them as belonging to the body
  • Antibodies
    Produced by lymphocytes, have a specific shape to bind to antigens and destroy pathogens
  • Vaccines
    Contain dead or weakened pathogens to stimulate an immune response
  • Drug development process
    Pre-clinical trials
    1. test on human tissue
    2. then animals
    Clinical trials
    3. test on healthy humans
    4. then ill humans
    5. then large-scale
  • Efficacy
    How well a drug works
  • Toxicity
    Side effects of a drug
  • Causes of non-communicable diseases
    • Lifestyle choices (obesity, smoking)
    • Genetics
  • BMI (Body Mass Index)

    Measure of obesity calculated as mass divided by height squared
  • Waist to hip ratio
    Measure of abdominal obesity calculated as waist measurement divided by hip measurement
  • Smoking
    Leads to fatty buildup in arteries, restricting blood flow and causing cardiovascular disease
  • Cardiovascular disease (CVD)

    Problems with the heart or blood vessels
  • Treatments for CVD
    • Stents (open up arteries)
    • Statins (medication that lower cholesterol)
  • when making a new drug you want to: maximise efficacy and minimise toxicity.
  • Physical barriers
    • skin - strongest barrier, stops any pathogen from getting into our body because it is so thick. when the skin is cut or damaged, pathogens can get in.
    • mucus - sticky, thick substance that traps substances in the back of our throat.
    • cilia - moves pathogen to stomach to die.
  • Chemical barriers
    stomach acid - has a low PH, stomach acids kill any pathogens in our food
    lysozyme - enzyme that breaks down pathogens
  • Another word for stomach acid
    Hydrochloric acid