based on numerical data/data that can be categorised
idiographic summary?
focuses on recognition of uniqueness
uses subjective experiences
based on study of uniqueness of indivdual
what is idiographic approach?
when an explanation considers individual & suggests everyone is unique
suggests we CANNOT generalise to other people from one study
theres no universal law which explains everyone behaviour as everyone is different
not likely to use large samples of people - doesnt have to be representative of everyone as everyone has individual characteristics
perfers qualitative methods - involve person being able to express their thoughts & feelings giving rich detailed data to enable greater insight into that ONE person
research methods suitable for idiographic approach?
case studies - only look at one person/small group in detail - uses multiple methods - interviews/experiments/observations
unstructured interviews - uses open questions so provides rich detailed qualitative data
idiographic appraoch in humanistic approach?
treats everyone unique & does not form general laws abour human behaviour other than we all strive for self-actualisation
humanistic counsellers uses qualitative techniques to gather info on their clients & help them achieve self-actualisation
everyone is unique & no general laws formed!!
what is nomothetic approach?
explanation suggests that people can be regarded as groups based on characteristics/traits
suggests there are general laws of human behaviour which apply to everyone
studies & theories are generalisable to other people
likely to use large samples - random/stratified - representative of everyone so it has high population validity & general laws of behaviour
uses quantitative methods as it can analyse large samples of data to draw conclusions which apply to many
testable hypothesis
research methods suitable for nomothetic approach?
lab experiments - likely to be scientific - controls evs
nomothetic approach in attachment?
ainsworth devised strange situation to create attachment types
controlled & standardised procedure was used to observe large samples of mother-infant dyads & to categorise into 3 attachment types
procedure was used to create huger amount of quantitative fara on attachment types & has been used to form general laws about attachment & to form testable hypotheses about attachment types in other cultures
X lacks generalisability - idiographic?
eg in case of little hans freuds idiographic app to explaining his phobia helped hans but so specific to his experiences that its little use to anyone elses phobias
so this app tends to be less useful than more nomothetic app to explaining behaviour
important as goal of most research within psych is to understand behavior & be able to help ppl
eg those suffering from mental health disorders through developing treatment
due to subjective nature of RM used - inaccurate way of investigatin behaviour & less reliable for establishing causal relationships
X lacks individual detail - nomothetic?
eg milgram investigated obedience to authority using nomothetic app & found 65% obeyed upto full 450v
doesnt explain why 35% didnt obey
use of large samples & quantitative methods doesnt give as much detail as sometimes may require
important as it means nom app does not always provide fully complete & valid explanation of all human behaviour
more holistic approach to studying behaviour which involves combo of both idio & nom is appropriate
* scientific - nomothetic?
eg davis metanalysis looked at effectiveness of antipsychotic drugs on sz patients
used large random & rep sample & used standardised controls to get fair measure of whether drugs worked/not
means get more scientific & valid understanding of effectiveness of ap drugs than id idio app used
important as psychologists need to ensure therapies tested in most controlled manner & effectivness is measured using rep sample not just on few individuals
practical applications - accurate in suggesting theres general laws about behaviour - helped alot of ppl within society