Neurotransmitter Transmission
1. Neurotransmitter fits like lock and key into receptor sites in next cell
2. Changes permeability of membrane in post-synaptic neuron so sodium channels get bigger (excitatory) or smaller (inhibitory) and more or less sodium leaks in
3. Signals received close together in space (spatial summation) or time (temporal summation) combine
4. Enough excitatory signals close in space and time may cause post-synaptic neuron to reach threshold and have an action potential
5. Reuptake occurs when NT goes back to synaptic vesicles in pre-synaptic neuron
6. Autoreception involves the NT landing on a receptor site on the terminal end of the pre-synaptic neuron, always inhibitory
7. Degradation (enzyme deactivation), NT is broken down by enzymes, limits active time