Cards (10)

  • Determine one's chest measurement during each phase of respiration
    1. Measure in centimeter the circumference of the chest level of the axillae (as high as possible) and at the level of the xyphoid
    2. At the end of a quiet expiration
    3. At the end of a quiet inspiration
    4. At the end of most forcible inspiration
    5. At the end of most forcible expiration
  • Chest expansion
    What is meant by it
  • Chest at maximum expansion
    During what phase of respiration
  • Chest at minimum expansion
    During what phase of respiration
  • Respiratory movements are caused by
    • Active contraction of the respiratory muscles
    • Passive effect of the elasticity of bony structures and the lungs
  • Thorax
    • Bony structures (thoracic vertebrae, ribs with cartilages, sternum)
    • Respiratory muscles (principal and accessory)
    • Thoracic contents (lungs, heart, blood vessels)
  • Ribs
    Tend to have only one movement - rotation around the axis that unites the functional centers of both costo-vertebral joints
  • Sternum
    Moves with the ribs, and due to the greater mobility of the middle ribs, it is projected upward and forward during inspiration
  • Thoracic vertebrae
    For all practical purposes can be considered as a rigid structure
  • Compliance of the lungs and chest wall
    • The change in lung volume per unit change in airway pressure is the stretchability or compliance of the lungs and chest wall
    • Low compliance may be seen in cases of emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis and pulmonary congestion