Historical research on brain structure

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  • Phineas Gage:
    • iron rod through skull in 1948
    • had severe change in personality
    • seriouse damage to frontal lobe caused personality change
    • contributed to understanding that frontal lobe responsiable for expression of personality, probolem solving and impulse control.
  • Rodger Sperry:
    • 1959 - 1968
    • experiments on split brain patients
    • severed corpus callosum
    • optic nerves cross over at optic chiasm so imput from right FOV processes in left hemisphere of brain and vice versa
  • Walter Freeman:
    • lobotomy - severing neural connections between thalamus and pre-frontal cortex
    • belived to eliminate excess emotions and stabilise personality
    • goal: reduce agitation in participants
    • concequences: apathy, decressed concentration, numbness in emotional response
  • what did sperrys experiments demonstrate:
    • corpus callosum required for full functioning of brain, left hemisphere responsable for understanding language and speech articulation, right hemisphere can recognise language but is unable to fully articulate it.
  • Optic chiasm:
    • the crossing over of optic nerves at the base of the brain, directly infront of the hypothalamus