Q4 mapeh

Cards (48)

  • Dalang
    Primary duty is to manipulate the puppets, sing, and speak the parts of all the characters in a Wayang Kulit performance
  • Music accompanying narration in Wayang Kulit
    Soft music with a slow tempo
  • Kulit
    Means leather in the term 'Wayang Kulit'
  • Chou character in Chinese Theater
    Usually plays secondary roles, the name also means 'ugly'
  • One of the ancient traditions of the people in Asia, particularly in Japan and China, is the art form referred to as Visual Arts
  • Sakura
    The traditional Japanese folk song depicting spring, the season of cherry blossom
  • Kabuki theater
    Performed in a stylized manner, combining acting, singing, and dancing. It is one of the ancient traditions of the people in Asia, particularly in Japan and China
  • Wayang
    In Indonesian and Malay language, the term means puppet
  • In Chinese culture, the dragon symbolizes power, strength, and good luck
  • Melody
    The musical element that refers to a succession of pitches in rhythm
  • Peking Opera
    The theater art in China
  • Purpose of sky lanterns in Thailand
    To make wishes
  • Sub-categories of 'Dan' role in Peking Opera
    • wudan
    • huadan
    • qingyi
  • Wusheng role in Peking Opera

    Considered as the main role in the theater play
  • Red lines on Kabuki actors' faces

    Signify passion and heroism
  • Jidaimono in Kabuki plays

    Directed to domestic and Post-sengoku stories
  • The theater play of the Philippines is called Bogabil
  • Kabuki is a Japanese theatrical form of art that is performed in a stylized manner, combining singing, acting, and dancing
  • Bonang
    A set of bronze bowls in the Gamelan ensemble
  • Hyoshigi
    A wooden clapper and a Japanese instrument used to announce the beginning and the ending of the performances in Kabuki
  • Kodo
    The popular troupe in the Japanese Taiko Drum Festival, conveys the meaning of Heartbeat and Children of the Drum
  • Indonesian shadow puppet theater shows are based on the stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata
  • Geza
    The main special effect in Kabuki theater, contributing uniquely to the performance compared to other theater arts that play special drums, gongs, bells, and cymbals
  • Banana logs (gedebog) in Wayang performance

    Hold the puppets in place
  • Hands in Balinese dance
    Used to emphasize the dance's delicate intricacy
  • Coordination
    The most needed physical fitness component in dancing
  • If it is always falling unintentionally during dance practice
    Should work on improving balance
  • Two white fans in Sua Ku Sua dance
    Represent the leaves of the Suha tree rustling in the wind
  • If using sticks in their performance to imitate the Chinese, they are performing the Binislakan folk dance
  • Hand positions and facial expressions in Javanese and Balinese dance

    Important, dancers start their training at the age of seven
  • Pandango dance

    Known for its use of formal Maria Clara dress and barong tagalog
  • Gateway drug

    A drug that leads to the use of more dangerous drugs
  • Third hand smoke
    Smoke inhaled from beadings and sofa
  • Fermented alcoholic beverage
    • Beer
  • Sua-Ku-Sua dance
    Inspired by the landscape of Jolo, Sulu
  • Dances in a tropical climate
    • Easy, gay, and frolicsome
  • Carcinogens found in cigarettes commonly cause lung cancer
  • Liver disease is not a short-term effect of alcohol consumption
  • Gateway drugs
    • Alcoholic beverages
    • Cigarettes
  • The support of fellow quitters has been shown to help most in quitting smoking