Weimar Germany

Cards (52)

  • 9th November 1918 - Kaiser abdicates and Germany is now a republic
  • 11th November 1918 - Armistice signed
  • December 1918 - Spartacists formed the German Communist Party (KPD)
  • January 1919 - Kapp Putsch, right-wing army officers attempt to overthrow government but fail
  • 6th January 1919 - Spartacist uprising
  • 28th June 1919 - Treaty of Versailles signed
  • June 1923 - Hyperinflation starts
  • August 1923 - Streseman becomes chancellor
  • October 1923 - Rentenmark introduced
  • November 1923 - Munich Putsch
  • 1928 - Germany signed the Kellogg-Briand Pact with 64 other nations
  • August 1924 - Streseman signs the Dawes Plan and Hyperinflation ends
  • October 1929 - Wall Sreet Crash, the worst stock market crash in history
  • The president of the Weimar Republic was elected every 7 years
  • Ebert became President on November 10th 1918
  • Stresemann resigned as Chancellor on October 2nd 1923
  • Gustav Stresemann succeeded Friedrich Ebert as Chancellor from August 1923 to October 1923
  • Gustav Stresemann became Chancellor on August 12th 1923
  • Hindenburg became President on May 16th 1925
  • Over a 6 year period the USA loaned $3 billion to Germany
  • The Dawes Plan was agreed upon by France, Britain, Italy, Belgium, Japan and the US in 1924
  • In 1927 the Young Plan reduced German reparations payments further
  • In 1928, Germany's foreign debt had been reduced by half
  • The Kellogg-Briand Pact was signed in Paris in 1928
  • Germany joined the League of Nations in September 1926
  • 1926 - Germany was given a permanent seat on Council of the League of Nations
  • Germany's army was limited to 100,000 men
  • Article 48 was the undemocratic
    emergency degree which formed part of
    the constitution
  • Stresemann used Article 48 to rule without parliamentary approval
  • The Reichstag was elected every 4 years
  • Germany had to pay reparations of 6.6 billion marks
  • The 'Stab in the back' theory mean that the Kaiser betrayed the German people
  • Freikorps were ex soldiers who refused to give up weapons and were
    against Communists. (Right Wing)
  • The Spartacists were a left wing group who tried to overthrow
    the Government
  • A Putsch is a violent revolt
  • The Kapp putsch failed because workers went on strike, so there wasn’t enough food or fuel for the army
  • The French invaded the Ruhr in 1923 and the German government was forced to pay reparations
  • The Golden Years were from 1929 to 1932.
  • Inflation was caused by printing more money than they had gold reserves
  • The Treaty of Versailles made Germany responsible for starting WW1